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Episode One Part One: Makoto's Worries

(Y/N)'s POV

After school, we start renovating the pool, Makoto is in there, just sulking, with Nagisa sitting right beside him.

"What's wrong, Mako?", I ask.

"Well... I went shopping with Haru the other day, but...", Makoto starts off, "He started throwing off his clothes again. And whenever I try to stop him, he gets really mad."

After he explains what happened, he goes back to sulking. So apparently, Haru has been stripping and trying to get into a place where there is water. Meaning there must be enough water for him to jump in.

"You sure have it rough", Nagisa says.

"What do you think? I live with him", I point out.

"That's true."

"So what should I do?", Makoto asks.

"I got it!", Nagisa exclaims, causing us to look at him, "Let's do some experiments!"

"Experiments?", I question.

"If you guys figure out the water at which Haru starts stripping, then you can avoid those places when you go out!"

"That's... not a bad idea."

"It's a great idea!", Makoto exclaims.

"Then let the experiments begin!", Nagisa exclaims.

Level 1

"Let's start with this", Nagisa suggests.

Nagisa had Makoto scoop up some water by the fountain. If this works... we may have a problem.

"If this is all it takes, then I have no idea what I can do", Makoto says.

"Let's just hope that it doesn't come to that. I don't want him trying to jump in cups around the house", I say, causing Makoto to chuckle.

"Oh! Haru!", Nagisa exclaims.

Makoto and I look to see Haru standing by us. When he sees the amount of water in Makoto's hands, he just scoffs and walks away.

"He scoffed at us!", Makoto exclaims.

"At least that amount of water isn't enough", I say.

Level 2

Next, we have water in a small basin. I still think it may be a problem if this is what causes him to take off his clothes in public.

"Next up, a wash basin!", Nagisa says.

"Well yeah, it is a lot more water than before, but I dunno", Makoto says.

"I don't know if this will give him the urge", I say.

"Let's just wait and see!", Nagisa exclaims, "Ah! Haru!"

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