Episode 2

588 13 4

Rin's POV 

It was just hours after my "rematch" with Haru. I've won, but it still feels like I've lost. And not only that but I'm also worried about (Y/N). She's pretending like she's her normal self, but she's not. Especially, after what she had told me.


I grabbed Haru by his goggles, pulling him towards me and glaring into his eyes. His emotions were neutral as ever and that's what made me angry. I won and it seemed like didn't even care. 

But before anything could happen, someone from faculty came in, probably from all of the commotion, and told us to leave the area. 

The guys left, but (Y/N) was the only one who stayed behind and she looked towards me.

"What was that all about?", she asked me.

"That's none of your concern", I answered.

"Well, it is now. You're still my best friend, whether you want me to be or not."

"And what's that supposed to mean, exactly?"

"Well, you've just come back from Australia, and all you cared about was racing Haru. I may have hugged you, but you didn't acknowledge me, Makoto, or Nagisa. Do you know how much that hurts to see someone I've been longing to see for so long and he doesn't even notice?"

I looked at (Y/N) and her heterochromatic eyes were filled with sadness. I sighed and placed a hand on her head.

"It's not like that, kay?", I said and then continued before she could even answer, "Now let me take you home."

"I don't live with my dad anymore. I live with Haru", (Y/N) said.

"What? And don't you mean 'your parents'?", I asked.

"No. I said it correctly", (Y/N) answered.

"(Y/N). What is going on?"

"I-It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

(Y/N) then stared down at the ground and played with her fingers. That's how I knew that she was lying. 

"(Y/N). You need to tell me", I said sternly.

I heard her sigh and she looked up at me.

"While you were in Australia", she started, "My mother passed away. Her illness got even worse. After her passing, I fell into a deep depression and my father wasn't taking her death so well, either. He took his anger out on me, saying that it was my fault that she died. Then the verbal abuse started to turn physical. It had gotten so bad that I ended up in the hospital. He messed me up so badly. I was paralyzed from the waist down for almost a year and a half because of him and I had to give up swimming. Luckily, Haru and Makoto were able to get me out of his house, despite my father being bigger than them. After being released from the hospital, Haru and his family took me in to stay with them until I graduate high school since Makoto's already gotten enough people in his home. The only ones that know about this are you, Haru, and Makoto."

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