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(Writer: Sorry it's like 11:00 but I'm having a sleepover which means no sleep and I feel like updating so... here!)

It's been a few days since I heard the voice in my head. I hope it never comes back. I don't like thinking about my friends like that, it makes me feel... evil.

In a few hours we will be having a party. I'm not sure why, we just will be.

Anna came over to my dorm room earlier. She seems to be happier than when we were living in our boot, but she seems happier in a dark way. I'm not sure what it is, but I don't like it.

I look up at the clock in my dorm room. It's so late. I should go to sleep, but I can't. I have so much anxiety from the past few days. In a few hours it will be 5:00 AM and we will be starting the party. (Me: Who the crap has a party that early in the morning?! Y'all are insane!)

I lay back down with a sigh. As I do a thought enters my head.

They don't care. Never did and never will. Maybe that's a good thing. Friends are weaknesses. Especially your friends.

Not again. I let out a small groan. Why is this strange voice attacking me?

I need someone with a pure heart to bring me back.

Why not AG then? I mean why me? There are a bunch of people I know with pure hearts.

I want revenge for my dear sister.

How do I make you shut up?!

Sacrifice something out of true love for another.

Okay, I'll give Anna a pattycake or something.

It doesn't work like that. You'll never get rid of me. You're too pathetic, too selfish, and far too weak. I will control you, make you suffer, then kill you, after a little bit of torture of course.

Wait, what?! No! No torture!! No suffer!! No controlling me!!! Leave me alone!!!!!!!

I don't hear an answer. After a few minutes I drift off to sleep.

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