Wakey wakey time to get up wether you want to or not

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I wake up after way too little sleep. Maxine is shaking to make me wake up. I let out a low groan.

I'm so tired. I feel my feet touch the ground then I can tell that I'm walking but I don't think I told myself to do any of that. I open my closet and start going through the clothes.

"Aren't you so excited for the party? I can't wait! We've been needing a party for a while now." Maxine says.

I'm about to say 'Well, I don't really wanna be awake right now' but that's not what comes out of my mouth.

"Yes. It's been far too long since we've celebrated being alive. It's a shame we can't live forever." I hear myself say.

Hold up, say what? I definitely did not mean to say that. I also definitely did not choose this dress! It's... pink!

Maxine raises an eyebrow at me then gives a soft laugh.

"Look at you. Finally deciding to wear some pink." Maxine laughs.

I feel my body turn to face her then I feel myself smile. I hear Maxine gasp.

"Gilly... your eyes. The pupils... they're gone. What happened." Maxine says. With her words I feel myself take control of my body again just in time to collapse.

Maxine screams and runs out of the room to get help.

You can't escape me. My plan is already in motion. You and your friends will die. You don't have a true love to sacrifice anything for. You'll never stop me.

I start shaking and I feel tears start to slide down my face.

"Thief! Are you okay? Thief!" I hear a voice say. The voice sounds so distant. The room is spinning end everything is going dark. I hear more voices yelling for me.

More like at you. You must've done something wrong. You disappointment.

That's the last thing I hear before my grasp on consciousness slips.

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