Once Upon a Life

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This backstory will be important and will apply to all the other alternate universes I make about FTRS. It will be worded slightly different in other stories probably because I cannot copy and paste stories.

No one's POV 3rd person

15 years ago

Once upon a 15 years ago, there was the god of the underworld, Hades, and the goddess of light, Heather. They got married and had twins. Heather didn't want to give birth again but she did want more kids, so she used a duplicating spell to make her children multiply.

Unfortunately, she made the spell far too powerful and her 2 daughters quickly turned into hundreds of millions of daughters. Only the original 2 got the power of both light and darkness from their parents. Though the others got different powers.

Hades was angry with his wife and left, but not before sending the children off into different dimensions. Now there was one set of twins in each dimension, but they were each separated and given to different parents.

After the children were given to parents, the parents minds would be wiped of adopting the child and they would think that the child was their own.

One day though, one of the sets of twins will remember who they are and they will bring all of the girls will come back to their original world, which was the world that none of them were put in. After finally being reunited, they will fulfill their prophecy.

The children of Hades and Heather will unite to stop an all powerful army. The original twins will lead the fight and end the war using all their might. With a final breath and one last hope, they'll destroy the enemies, at the end of their rope.

And the girls will have a choice. The ones that don't die can either go back to the dimension that they were placed in, or stay in the dimension they were born in and help rule it. The second most powerful twins will be the heir to the throne of the multiverse, and the third most powerful will be 1st in line.

Gillian Heather Mallow and Katherine Hades Mallow turn into Gilly Cobbler and Kit Jay no matter what dimension they're in, they always get given to the same parents.

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