Making a Portal

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(Agatha already mastered the seven deadly sins like her sister did (The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns) because I don't know what else to do for her)

                       Agatha's POV

All I need now is the heir to magic in this dimension. I don't think that this dimension really has someone like that so I suppose the Kayla girl will have to do.

"We must get to an open area in order to preform the spell. Darlene, I wish to teleport to an open area that has no one near it. It cannot be an ocean and it must be on the ground." I instruct.

Darlene grants my wish and everyone that was in the room, including my hand mirror which holds Miri, teleports to a wide field covered in dead grass.

"Perfect." I say.

I create the skull fire and the purple flames climb high into the sky.

"Now. Do as I instruct or your brother dies." I threaten the princesses, but mainly Rapunzel.

"Fine." Rapunzel says bitterly.

"Now, repeat after me. I princess so and so." I begin.

"I princess so and so." Rose says mockingly.

I slap her hard across the face.

"Use your name idiot!" I yell.

All the princesses repeat after me, and this time they all say their names.

"Do agree to give you this world." I finish.

"Do agree to give you..." the princesses start to say, but they're rudely interrupted.

"Stop right there!" Says an all too familiar voice.

Pearl floats to the ground in a bubble with the last person from Gillian's little crew.

"Hayley, Pearl, how kind of you to join us." I say through gritted teeth.

"Let these people go Agatha! And release my granddaughter from that dreadful spell you're using on her!" Pearl demands.

"We both know she's not your granddaughter, Pearl. Why are you here anyway? You said you broke a hip." I question.

"I lied. Anyway, she's my adopted granddaughter but that still counts!" Pearl yells.

"Adopted? Pearl, what's going on?" Hayley asks.

"None of your business, child!" I snap.

I use the spell that I've been using for days and make Pearl and Hayley end up like their little friends.

"Now, finish giving me this world!" I command the princesses.

"I, princess Snow/ Ella/ Rose/ Rapunzel, do agree to give you this world." The princesses all say at once.

The fire burns brighter but no portal opens.

"What?! What am I missing?! I mastered the seven deadly sins, I conquered this worlds past and present and I kidnapped the heir to magic and the heir to man in order to conquer the future! The heir to man, Jaxon Porter, and the heir to magic, Kayla Wingtip!" I yell, outraged.

"I told you that you'd never get away with this!" Miri yells from my hand mirror.

"Oh, shut up woman! I captured you in that mirror a long time ago and I was powerful enough to for a reason! You're weak! You're selfish! You're gullible!" I practically scream.

I take a few deep breaths and calm down.

"You know what? If I can't perform the spell then these people are of no use to me. Gillian, kill them. Kill them all." I say, handing Gillian a gun.

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