The Heir to the Throne of Man

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These next few chapters will be based on a spell from The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer. They will still have the characters from FTRS though.

"Let's see if I remember this correctly... master the seven deadly sins, get the heir to both the throne of man and the throne of magic, and control this dimensions past, present, and future. Let's start with the heir to the throne of man, shall we Gillian?" I say to my mind controlled pawn.

Gillian bows and starts toward the door.

"Wait!" I snap. "Do you even know who the heir to the throne to man is?"

Gillian nods.

"Well then, tell me you idiot!" I yell.

"His name is Jaxon Porter. He is the heir to the throne of man." Gillian says robotically.

Jaxon Porter? The boy that used to have a crush on her? The one she overheard talking about how different she was acting? The one that broke her heart?

This will definitely be interesting.

"Well... go ahead and get him. Do anything you can to get him here. I want this portal!" I instruct.

I wait a few minutes and start to grow quite impatient. If that Cobbler girl is going to take so long then what's even the point of controlling her?

Finally, Gillian comes back, leading in both the prince and the pirate boy.

"Gilly, for the last time, what is ha-." Ollie stops mid-word and stares at me with a confused and slightly scared look.

"Who are you?" Jaxon asks, cutting right to the chase.

"Well, well, well. Good job Gillian. I was wondering if you would even come back at all." I say, ignoring Jaxon's question.

Gillian bows, then closes and locks the door, standing in front of it as well, to block anyone from exiting.

"Gillian, would you mind telling these people who I am? I don't feel like wasting my energy on them." I instruct.

Gillian nods, then brushes the hair out of her face, revealing her eyes, which still do not have their pupils.

"The woman standing before you is the evil and feared, Agatha. She will rule the multiverse one day, so best to give her your attention and loyalty willingly before you are required to give it to her in order to live." Gillian introduces.

"Thank you dear. Now, both of you, go to that corner with your friends." I command.

"And what if we don't?" the prince asks, putting on a brave face.

I cast the same spell that I've been casting all day, and the boys are trapped and completely silent.

I magically move the boys to the corner and they're reunited with the friends they didn't even know were trapped.

"Let's see here. Kayla, Jocelyn, AG, Jaxon, Ollie, and Gillian. I've almost got the whole collection! I'm just missing Hayley and Maxine, I believe." I say to myself.

"And Jack." AG somehow says. I suppose if I think too hard, the spells don't work too well.

Jaxon grunts at the name 'Jack'.

"Nah, he's more of a side character. I don't need to waste my time on him. Okay, what ingredient for the spell next?" I say.

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