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Agatha POV

Wow. Torturing the Cobbler girl is sooo much fun! It makes me feel so much better about my defeat by her stupid parents. The story still angers and haunts me.


"You'll never win Agatha! I may be the god of the underworld but that doesn't mean I can't do good!" Hades yelled.

"Hahahahaha! Just because you do good once doesn't mean you can change your fate! It doesn't mean you can change who you are!" I yelled back.

"My husband can be whoever he chooses! He isn't just the god of the underworld and darkness! Now he is part of the family of the goddess of light! He's part of my family! You can't change the fact that he can make choices!" Heather said.

What a goodie two shoes. And a stupid one too.

"I can always take away other people's choices! I think you're forgetting about how I knew you would be here!" I reminded them.

Suddenly a flash of light explodes in my face.

"We're not powerful enough to totally take away your ability to take others choices, I'll admit that, but we can make it so that you can only mind control one person. It has to be the descendent of your greatest enemy and they have to have a pure heart." Hades told me, sounding so triumphant.

"Well aren't you an idiot. You are my greatest enemies!" I laugh as Heather's face goes pale.

"That's enough of this." Heather said. Heather then cursed me with the spell that brought my spirit out of my body.

*End of flashback*

Those idiots. I was able to reverse their little curse and now I'm getting revenge. I'm making their precious little daughter suffer.

I'm updating 2 times in one day so I hope that makes up for how short the chapters are.

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