Fairy abduction

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Someone is doubting me. I can feel it, but... it's distant. As if it were from a different world. I can't quite see their name clearly, but I can tell that it is made up of both numbers and letters.

"Let's get moving!" I snap. These doubtful people make me rather angry, and anger gives me power. It's not power that I can control in this body, but once I get my body back? People will start begging for mercy.

"My friends will stop you! You will fail!" AG yells. More anger surges through me.

"Insolent child! You really think a bunch of 14 year olds can stop me?!" I practically scream.

I smack the girl across the face and she whimpers. Good.

No, wait. Stop. This is a bit much. She's the best one out of the whole group. She would never hurt me on purpose, dial it back woman.

What do you mean dial it back?! This is my body now, I shall do as I choose!

Chill, lady.

Even though I took over Gillian's body, she is still just as insolent.

I take a few deep breaths and look down on AG.

"I'm going to the headmistress's office. If you even think of yelling for help it will be the last think you ever do." I say, glaring at her.

I exit the room and fix my hair, so that it's in front of my eyes. After that I make my way to the headmistress's office.

"Gilly, wait!" I hear a voice behind me yell.

I turn around and see the fairy girl, Kayla, standing behind me.

"What do you want?" I snap. Kayla looks rather nervous.

"I-I wanted t-to know if AG talked to y-you." she stutters.

Why in the name of Grimm is she stuttering?! If she can talk about me behind my back so easily, she should be able to talk to my face just as easily! The Cobbler girl's voice says.

I smirk. Gilly may still have a bit of mercy in her, but she gets angry too.

"Yes, AG spoke to me. In fact, I came here looking for you. Come with me. We need to talk." I say sweetly.

I take the fairy's hand and lead her back to Gilly's dorm room. As soon as a enter the door, I hear AG start shouting for help. I use a silencing spell on her and the room goes quiet.

"AG? What's going on?" Kayla asks, stepping into the dorm room.

I close the door and lock it, startling Kayla and making AG quite frustrated.

I push the hair out of my eyes and Kayla gasps just like AG did. Green eyes must scare these people quite a lot. Or maybe it's because Gilly's eyes changed color.

"Gilly? What happened to your eyes?" Kayla asks.

"Oh, I'm not Gilly. Gillian Cobbler used to own this body, but it's mine now." I say, glaring directly into her eyes.

"W-well then who are you?" Kayla questions.

I start to laugh a little, then the laugh grows until I'm cackling as hard as I can.

I calm down slightly and wipe tears from my eyes. Guess I was laughing a little too hard.

"My name is Agatha. I am the sister of Alva, and I'm here to get revenge." I explain simply.

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