Dreams part 2

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... Hey, so... sorry.

It's time to see what will happen in the future now, little Heather.

Why does this voice keep calling me Heather? I have many nicknames, Thief, Cobbler, Gilly, but Heather isn't one of them.

All of a sudden I feel colder. The weight of the hug disappeared and I was left shivering.

In the distance I hear screaming. It's so loud. I can't hear myself think anymore which might be a good thing because it means I won't have to hear the evil voice.

Where is that screaming coming from?

The screaming grows louder and louder. I cover my ears as it seems to take over my brain!

What is happening?!?!

"Gilly, please. Put it down, can't you see that what's happening is wrong?" I hear a voice yell. I open my eyes and find that I have been repositioned. I have a gun in my hands. I look at to and follow where it's pointing.


No! This can't be happening!

I'm staring right at all of my friends. Jax is in the front, protecting them, he's acting as their human shield.

I try to lower the gun but my arms won't listen. I try again and again, begging myself to drop the gun, but I can't. I want to tell my friend to forgive me and that I am so, so, sorry but my mouth won't open.

"What happened to your pupils? They disappeared again." Maxine says in a quiet voice.

Please! Just drop the gun! Please!

I feel tears sting the backs of my eyes and they begin to roll down my face. I can't kill them, please!

And they all live unhappily ever after. FIRE!!

I feel myself pull the trigger.

Tears are flowing down my face too quickly for my to see anything other than the color red. I have to be able to stop this from happening.

Please. Please. Please.

The world goes dark.

Me: I am so sorry. Even I started crying while writing this. I promise this is not how it will end, it's just how the evil voice wants it to end. Again, I'm so so sorry.

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