Dreams part 3

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Gilly's POV

I can't feel anything. I'm numb.

Of course you are. You're under my control. I showed you two different futures and told you about how only one would come true. I have seen everything. I have changed everything.


Just because I can only mind control you doesn't mean that I can't put ideas in their head.

What do you mean?

That Porter boy. He fell in love with you. The real you. I told him that he didn't love the mind controlled you. Of course he didn't know that you were mind controlled.

Wait... what?

I couldn't have you being happy. Then I wouldn't be able to control you. I told him that he didn't love the new you and that he didn't care to find out why. It took quite a strong spell.


I already told you, he fell in love with you.

He did? W-why? Did he really?

Well, I would never lie to you to make you happy. The only reason I'm telling you this is because it's too late for you to come back without me wanting you to. I love torturing you. I know it's the only revenge I'll ever get out of your parents.

I-I... what?

Too late for you to do anything. You're future is set. And you're far to weak to change it.

I immediately see fire. All I see is fire. The world is burning before my eyes and I can't do anything, can't feel anything. I just don't care.

Sorry for the short chapter! I've been working on other books. I recently updated Crossed and I've been thinking about taking a short break... no I haven't been. I like writing. Okay, thanks for reading!! I'll try to update soon!

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