A Best Friend's Regrets

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Gilly's POV

Agatha hands me a gun and let's go of the mind control just enough for me to know what's happening and what I'm doing. She also lets go of the spell on my friends so that they can scream and try to run.

The first thing that Jax does when he's set free is run in front of the rest of my friends to block any bullets from hitting them when I fire.

"I was hoping to save the little prince for the last kill but this works as well, I suppose." Agatha says.

No! No! No! Gilly, get a grip! You have to stop yourself before you kill him! Or anyone else, of course!

I squeeze my eyes shut as tightly as I possibly can.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Kill them! Now!" Agatha commands me.

No! Don't do it Gilly! You have to fight it! Please! You can't kill them, you love them! All of them! They're your friends! Your best friends! Please!... please.

I feel a tear slide down my face. My eyes are still closed tight.

"Gilly, please. We're your friends. Think about what you're about to do. It's not right. Gilly, you have to stop this. Please." Jax tells me.

I open my eyes and look at my friends in front of me.

"You're right. I have to stop this, and I really wish I could. (To quote Alex Bailey from TLOS) But there's only one way to put an animal out of its misery." I say sadly.

I can't control what I'm doing. I'm being controlled by Agatha. I have been for a while. That doesn't make me feel better at all. It makes me feel weak.

I feel myself squeeze the trigger.

As the bullet flys through the air, I raise my hand out towards it, trying to stop what has already happened, trying to save the people who mean so much to me, but it's no use. The bullet has to hit someone, and it does.

It goes right through the heart of someone who grew to care a little too much.

The end.

What do y'all think of my first story?

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