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DRACO: Everyone was focused on war. Everyone but Hufflepuff house.

PANSY: Morrigan Poston.

The story goes Morrigan was born into a terrible Muggle family. Her father left after her little brother was born. Even before he was a terrible father.

Her mother after the birth of her second child just cracked. She was in and out of mental institutions. No one really knew what was wrong with her.

But Morrigan didn't care, she almost turned down her Hogwarts letter. She had a little brother to take care of. So she started working to afford a babysitter which was really her aunt.

She was a hard worker, hence getting placed in hufflepuff.

At the end of our fifth year everything fell apart for her. Her brother was getting adopted by some rich family from America. She couldn't stop it. She tried.

Morrigan was heartbroken and felt as if she failed him.

That summer, the family was real nice and bought her a ticket to spend the summer.

And that's how it happened.

She went to some AC/DC concert. And that's when she fell in love with Rock and roll. She came back to England a different person.

THEODORE: Morrigan Poston 1996. I cant even describe her.

PANSY: She had such an amazing style. That blonde hair matched with all black leather outfits.

She never wore a bra, I remember watching her walk into the great hall the first week of term and I will never forget it.

She wore dark denim low rise jeans, a small white tank top, no bra of course, black doc martens, and a black leather jacket. Her hair was down like a mess all over the place.

But she stole the air from the room.

BLAISE: None of us even remember her before that year.

PANSY: It was impossible not to look at her. And well she played the electric guitar.

I never went but rumors say in the Hufflepuff common room she'd practice in plaid pajama pants and just a black bralette.

I would've loved to have seen that.

ERNIE: She would practice and you wouldn't even stare at her tits, she was pure magic, she played like no one's business. Taught everyone in our house about rock.

PANSY: Everyone liked her apparently, I even remember she made Snape smile once. McGonagall would pretend not to see her smoking cigarettes.

Morrigan was always smoking a damn cigarette, I remember watching her walk around the corridor, leather jacket and cigarette on her lips.

She made the war better for everyone, especially what happens next.

JAMES (Hufflepuff, lead singer): She was playing some sick beat and I thought you know I'm going to jump in with some lyrics.

SCOTT (Hufflepuff, drummer): James was in our room for weeks trying to come up with the perfect lyrics to show her. I could almost bet he made it sound casual, it was no where near casual.

ERNIE (Hufflepuff, keyboardist): I heard them one night, James singing some song about some girl, Scott keeping up with the drums and well I wanted in.

And Morrigan was so bloody cool, I mean she was rock and roll no doubt about it.

PANSY: Then 'Black Opium' was started. It was a Hufflepuff only band, and I think they did it on purpose but all the boys died their hair pitch black and started to let it grow out.

Morrigan stood out with that blonde hair down to her waist at that point.

JAMES: Ah-ha yeah we were Hufflepuff's color, our black hair with her yellow hair. Morrigan came up with that. Genius.

ERNIE: My mother died when I came home with black hair. But you know we looked good. We were starting to make our own music.

SCOTT: Our practices became private. I came up with the name 'Black Opium'. We all got along real good, Morrigan was so much more than cool, she had a serious vibe to her but she was nice and sometimes could be so funny.

PANSY: I remember hearing about Hufflepuff parties, they became the most exclusive, everyone wanted to see Black Opium.

THEODORE: I paid them ten galleons to perform at my Halloween party.

PANSY: I remember that Halloween party [laughs]. I mean she wore a short black dress with long leather black boots up to her knees.

Their songs were everything.

We would dance, some slow dances others really just consisted of everyone jumping up and down.

Morrigan had a smug look on her face. Sweat on her forehead and those rings on her fingers playing the cords.

THEODORE: Mor was taking shots on top of a table. I tried to kiss her, she slapped me.

PANSY: They were changing Hogwarts, I mean their songs were really good, even at just sixteen.

DRACO: My favorite lyrics were 'Dark lord returned/ now there's no where else to turn/ anymore child soldiers/ don't think I'll make it past seventeen.'

I remember hearing that and never relating more.

PANSY: They performed at all of our parties and slowly we started getting invited to their parties. Which made our parties look lame.

I remember one night they had made their common room a rain room, it looked like it was raining, you could even feel the rain hit your skin but you wouldn't be wet.

It was so magical.

They released a new song that night 'rain without you'

THEODORE: Everyone was thinking about their ex that night.

ERNIE: I made the rain enchantment. Still so proud of that.

JAMES: I sang looking up letting the rain hit my face.

SCOTT: I think that's when it hit that we could really be something.

PANSY: Talent was just dripping off of them. That song Morrigan also sang, it was a duet and her voice was breathtaking.

She smiled in between lyrics and that smile. I remember just sitting look up at her. And time stood still.

'You loved the rain/ the wetness the cold/ see what you did to me/ I can't even be cold in peace/ are you sitting hating the rain now/ hate that it reminds you of me now/ rain without you/'

The Seven Boyfriends Of Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now