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DRACO: It was my sixth year, time for me to finally finish my job, the job. And I was madly in love with Astoria Greengrass.

JAMES: Has Daphne talked about me?

DAPHNE: Pansy wasn't the only one personally invited to Black Opiums shows...

BLAISE: My cousin Marco Balt was moving over to England.

THEODORE: I was a sex symbol. I mean those were our days. They wouldn't be over anytime soon either.

JAMES: We knew that summer would be ours.

ERNIE: I mean Mor was writing songs and we were making the beats and melodies.

SCOTT: Real people were buying our music. Not just students. Actual adults.


It all started after we broke up and Lucian spread all kinds of lies about me.

I got detention for punching him across the face. I mean I really did it and it felt amazing.

I sat down with my head down prepared to just sleep and get this detention over with.

I would've fell asleep to if it weren't for the sound of the door opening.

"Look at you being a bad girl" Mor smiled as she sat down next to me.

An empty classroom and she chooses a seat next to me. I felt special.

"What're you in here for?" I asked.

She lit a cigarette "This" she shrugged.

"You're not going to ask me?"

She did that smirk thing again "I saw you punch him"

"What'd you think?" I so desperately wanted to know.

"You want me to answer honestly?"

I nodded.

"I thought you looked really hot, I remember really wanting to see you naked"

I was turning red and she was laughing. "You said you wanted honesty Parkinson"

I felt so embarrassed but I found myself laughing too, Morrigan had the type of laugh you couldn't hear and not join in.

"Really I also just knew Lucian deserved it"

"Yeah he did"

"So come on we have three hours" she said.

"Can I ask you something then?" I wanted to make her feel the way she made me feel when she threw me off with her answers.

"I'm all yours"

"Do you kiss as well as you play?"

I did it. I made Morrigan blush so hard she turned away.

"Ive never kissed anyone, but I'd hope so"

I was shocked "you write about having sex and you've never even been kissed"

"I'm waiting for someone who is worth it, imagine the songs I'd write about her" she smiled.

"Does anyone know?"

She shook her head no "I mean the boys in the band know"

"They don't care?"

She examined my face "No, Ernie always says when I have a girlfriend I still have to write breakup songs, I dunno I like how he uses the word girlfriend as if it's nothing different. It's so natural coming out of his mouth."

I could only think about the inappropriate comments Theo and Blaise would make.

"That's nice"

She didn't say much after that and well neither did I. She put her back against the wall and just smoked her cigarette with her eyes closed.

I stared and wondered what she was thinking if she even was thinking of anything.

Her legs were open and she was wearing no bra. She was like a piece of art that defined the times.

"You remind me of strawberry jam" she randomly said.

I was taken back "What?"

"The packaging makes the jam look so dark but when you taste it. It's so sweet"

"You think I'm sweet?"

"Haven't tasted you yet" she opened one eye and smiled. "I'm just kidding, I'll stop flirting with you"

"Don't" I don't even remember thinking about what I was saying before I did.

Next thing I know her hands are in my hair and she stands up, I stay sitting looking up at her.

"I think you're so beautiful Pansy"

She leaned in so close to my lips. She smelt like cigarettes and peaches.

"I need you to tell me you want this"

I nodded. At that moment her lips were the only thing that matter in the world.

She put her hand in my jaw and kissed me. It was quick.

I stood up "I'm sorry"

Morrigan's face dropped "Oh and what's wrong"

I needed to get the feeling of her off of me. I wiped my lips.

Pain was written all over her face. She stepped back and so did I.

"I'm sorry I don't like you like that" I ran out of the room. It terrified me how much I liked her and liked how she kissed me. Terrified me. I had never felt anything close to that ever.

I walked down the corridor loosing my breath and tossing myself around trying to pull together a single thought.

My brain was melted. I couldn't think about anything but her. My body was heating up and I genuinely thought I'd pass out.

Everything was spinning. I don't even remember breathing.

Something in me finally started walking. Walking back inside that room.

Her back was facing against the door and her hands were on her knees looking down.

She turned around and just one single look confirmed everything I was feeling.

I grabbed her and pulled her up. I didn't even give her a second to say anything. I kissed her.

She kissed me back pulling me as close as she could her fingers digging into my shirt.

I ran my fingers up her body. I grabbed her feeling every curve of her body and felt how delicate it was.

My body felt like it was on fire. I could very clearly feel every nerve in my body.

We didn't talk. I don't think we needed too. My body was telling her everything she needed to hear.

"God Pansy I've been wanting to kiss you so badly" she broke away.

I needed more of her and kept kissing her.

"I want to be your first everything Morrigan" I told her. And it was true. I didn't want her to have memories with anyone else other than me.

"You ask and I'll give"

The Seven Boyfriends Of Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now