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PANSY: I woke up next to her. Her hand was still holding mine and her forehead was still against mine.

James took that away.

He told her that if she got back together with me the band would be over.

JAMES: I think I don't want to leave a comment for all that happened.

SCOTT: I didn't know till Mor was crying, mascara all running down her face.

PANSY: it was terrible. It was my turn to be selfless. I told her to go to her band.

"You are Black Opium you couldn't just leave"

She shook her head no "James will get over it. He's just being stupid"

James didn't get over it. It just got worse. On the third day he called me.

J: is Mor there?

P: no she's gone out to the farmers market

J: why are you doing this Pansy?

P: Doing what?

J: Your relationship with Mor

P: because I love her.

J: not enough to tell your parents and be out to the entire world.

P: what do you want Abbott?

J: let her chose the band. You know you two are bound to fall apart and I don't think she will come back from it.

P: you shouldn't have called.

PANSY: I sat thinking about what he said all day. Morrigan loved that bloody band and I couldn't let her lose it because of me.

Sometimes when you love people you let them go.

I wanted to ask the universe for just one more. One more kiss, I'd separate from her and let her go. Maybe just one more song as well, I'd know it was for me, I'd be happy then I could let her go. Well maybe one more morning waking up next to her, one more night falling asleep next to her, after that I can let her go.

I hoped that if I added up all the 'one mores' I'd never get to the part where I let her go.

It had to be done. I watched as she played outside with the Tabby cat I had and I knew in my heart that I would never love anyone as much as I loved her.

Do you understand the blessing that is finding your soulmate? I looked at her and knew she was made for me. I looked at her and knew we had traveled worlds and realities together. When God made me he made her from whatever leftover parts I had.

I walked out to the garden and wrapped my arms around her.

"You smell like lavender"

"You have to go back to your band"

She didn't want to leave. She said she didn't care about the band that she wanted to be with me.

"We could make this place our own. It's big enough for the both of us."

"Maybe you know when we're older and wiser our timing will finally align"

"I'll talk to James he'll get over it and I'll come back with a piece of carrot cake and two forks"

I cupped her face and kissed her. She kissed me again. I didn't want to let go.

"You go Mor and I'll stay, and we'll be okay"

DAPHNE: James isn't perfect. He tries to fix everything and thinks he knows the best for everyone. He thought he was saving Morrigan. He really thought he was.

BLAIR: Poor Mor was miserable when we talked on the phone she sounded so sad.

ERNIE: She didn't really talk to James, she just locked herself in her room and I think she was sober the entire time too. I could swear her hair turned a darker shade of yellow.

It wasn't the Morrigan Poston I knew. She was missing her other half.

SCOTT: Mor asked me if I had ever been in love.

I told her no.

She called me smart said only fools and idiots fall in love.

I told her I would want nothing more than her heartbreak. Means the love was real.

BLAIR: she wasn't my real girlfriend but she was my friend. When I walked for fashion week she sent me flowers.

"Dream big little bird"

She would always write that in the letters and when she would sign fans papers she would write that too.

PANSY: I knew I had to live without her and without the hope of us being together. That was real pain. And I knew no one would understand.

Daphne was planning her wedding to the man who took my lover away from me.

Draco had Astoria and she was basically the walking sun.

I had no one. I helped plan the wedding as much as my feelings allowed myself to. Maybe James was right, Mor and I were kids when we met and still were children. But that doesn't mean it wasn't real and he sort of made it seem as if it wasn't.

But he wanted the best for her. More than I did he wanted the best for Morrigan and I will always appreciate that.

BLAISE: I was going to be a groomsman pretty exciting times, did I have a girl? No. I didn't have time really. I was too busy chasing damn near every one of my dreams.

I watched Black Opium perform their last show of that tour in London and it was beautiful and rare. I mean you've got Morrigan Poston playing her heart out. You could really feel it. James Abbott singing his absolute heart out. Ernie MacMillan was on that keyboard hitting every single note. Scott Flawley tearing those drums apart.

I was so glad to be alive in that point of time. I mean I was watching history. You know they teach about Black Opium in the textbooks now. That's the type of impact that band had. No band has yet to compare to those Hufflepuff's.

After the last song everyone just stood in awe. I went home and processed it for hours. I was laying on my bed just thinking of the magic I experienced.

I had been front row in Black Opium's last ever show. And they made history.

The Seven Boyfriends Of Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now