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Neglected Micheal Corner

PANSY: Micheal and I dated one month before the war. And lasted up until the week probably after the war.

He's associated with my story because of how famous the how Corner family was at that time.

MICHEAL: I don't know. My parents are both aurors. And it's a high demand job. I know that now. Well I've always known that.

I love my parents. I do. But I was raised by a nanny. I mean I saw my parents so little. Then Hogwarts even better for them they didn't have to pay a nanny anymore.

I think they really forgot they even had a child. I think they didn't think about me at all. I don't know.

At seventeen I was hurt about that, it was selfish I know but you would think with a war going on they'd care more about their only child.

PANSY: When your parents don't give a shit I guess he wanted their attention and what better way than to date a death eater?

I knew he really just wanted his parents attention or maybe he wanted someone to take care of him. I was okay with that.

I felt like Adrian. I didn't want to be alone anymore.

I wanted to be held, even if it were for all the wrong reasons.

Besides my heart ached and I knew she was fine.

JAMES: Morrigan wasn't fine. Even with Ginny I dunno she missed Pansy a lot. Started writing our next album which would be 'Price in Blood'.

'My heart will long to be next to yours for the rest of my life/ please don't tell me I'll be fine/ my soul wasn't built to not be by your side'

Yeah. Morrigan I think would have traded anything for her.

GINNY: Pansy was dating Micheal. Someone I considered an ex. 

Just because Mor chose me doesn't mean it stopped her from being in love with someone else.

And at one point I couldn't handle it anymore.

We held each other tightly and we both cried.

"I love you Gin"

"I know Mor"

And that was it. I think in another lifetime we were soulmates. Just not in this one. She already found hers.

PANSY: Micheal was a nice boy, he had just never been loved before.

MICHEAL: I wasn't expecting to like Pansy as much as I did.

PANSY: I liked him. Sure. If you had to call it something.

"You know you have two dimples"

"I think I get them from my mum"

"I don't think anyone has ever seen, I mean I've never seen you smile"

"Then how did you know?" I asked.

"You we're sleeping one night, smiling in your sleep"

Yeah he was nice. Probably the only nice boy I had ever been with. He was gentle I didn't have to heal my face after meeting with him.

He didn't know what it was like to have someone take care of you and for a month that's what I did. Our relationship was controversial but that's what he wanted.

His parents actually wrote him begging to break up with me and for the first time in his life his parents cared about something that related to him. Only him.

MICHEAL: I became an auror too. And I understand I guess. I have two daughters and I love them, I tell them I love them. I love my wife too.

Me leaving comments for this book is solely based off how nice Pansy really is and how everyone has an imagine of her that isn't completely accurate.

I hope my name adds some credibility.

THEODORE: That tosser Micheal never wanted to drink or party with us. As the war went on we didn't party as much.

It was just Pans, Blaise and I in my dorm listening to 'Honey and Loss'. I think being with each other was all we really needed.

PANSY: did I love Micheal? No I didnt. But love isn't all you get from a relationship, I was reminded of what it was like to have someone.

And it was beautiful. He was beautiful and our relationship was good for me.

He was good for me. If it weren't for who I was or who he was we might've ended up together.

I dunno sometimes people come into your life and you know it's only temporary. But it's still nice while it last.

We weren't going to stay together after the war.

DRACO: We all faced trail.

My family was safe. We had played such a large role in that war. That day still haunts me.

THEODORE: I told them the choices we were given and maybe because we were underage they just gave us community service.

PANSY: Community service involved donating money and repairing the villages death eaters attacked and destroyed.

I remember at my trail Micheals parents were there.

MICHEAL: I gave a testimony on her behalf, if it weren't for me she would've been sent to Azkaban. I couldn't let that happen to her.

I owed it her.

That's all I wish to say.

PANSY: All of May and June consisted of our community service.

I was alone again. But our world was healing I hoped I could heal along side of it.

After years of suffering it was all over. So simply, but from that day on we wouldn't be wanted to rejoin society.

Pureblood society was falling apart we lost a lot. People no longer respected our names, we were on the losing side.

I wanted people to know that we were the way we were because of how we were raised.

Do you think my mother was kind and taught me kindness? Do you think my father loved me after not being able to produce an heir?

DRACO: I was an heir. If I was a women, I would've hated my life much more than I already did. Being a male saved me.

THEODORE: My mum raised me and she was a kind women, she's the reason why I wasn't a pureblood supremacist. Pansy didn't have that.

PANSY: Being rich doesn't mean you are happy. Having parents doesn't mean you are loved. Micheal understood that.

The Seven Boyfriends Of Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now