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GINNY: You couldn't be around Morrigan and not fall in love. I mean she was just pure gold and I don't know she made the war just better.

PANSY: She was sitting by my side at the infirmary.

"Can you leave?"

She shook her head no "You should start knocking"

I think I started crying. But Morrigan was fed up.

"God Pansy you sleep with Marco every night and I mean that has fucking ruined me"

"Don't be mad that I actually like men too"

I regretted it as soon as I said it.

"I'm here, do you see anyone else next to you?" She looked around dramatically. But she was right Marco didn't even show up.

"Shouldn't you be off snogging that blood traitor?"

"Yeah you're right, but we're going to do much more than kiss" she frowned. She never did that so I laughed she looked so adorable.

"Should've kept your mouth hexed together"

"Piss off Morrigan"

She stood up and with her back turned away I could see the blood marks on her white shirt.

"You're bleeding"

"Yeah your friend Carrow did that to me, don't worry Ginny already is going to heal it"

Ouch. "Why did you come back? I mean no other Muggle born did"

"Snape gave me permission, he said he would protect me as much as he could"

"Snape? Why would he do that?"

She shrugged "Said something about having a Muggle born friend he needed to make amends with"

She left the infirmary. I wish I hadn't kicked her out, she was literally the only person that made my life bearable.

GINNY: Back then I couldn't tell you who was cooler, my girlfriend or I.

I mean Mor wore those white tank tops, leather jacket, her blonde hair and just everything about her made you want her.

I made it clear I didn't want to be hidden away, I promised after the war was over we'd be a proper couple, I just knew my family was a target and I didn't want them to hurt her to get to me.

SCOTT: Mor wrote a single 'Gin' which really helped boost our album even more.

'One shot will keep me warm for days/ burning red/ Gin you're all that love I've read about'

I mean imagine someone writing a song like that about you.

PANSY: Whatever.

MARCO: I actually liked that song Gin.

THEODORE: Man that song made me want to fall in love.

DAPHNE: James would sing that song looking at me. The crowd disappeared and it was just him and I.

JAMES: After we toured I was going to marry that women. She was the type of women you marry and cherish and let her boss you around.

DRACO: That song reminded me of Astoria, but our love wasn't burning red, it was golden.

ERNIE: To this day that song reminds me of young love. I'm telling you our band was really great.

PANSY: I mean I never got a song named directly about me. Not yet.

I continued being friends with Morrigan I probably wouldn't be alive if I hadn't. I mean even as friends she uplifted me in so many ways.

"Who would you consider your best friend?" I asked her and not because I wanted her to say me, but because I wanted to know.

"James, and well you, yeah you too"

I dunno if Ginny minded but we were literally cuddling, she was spooning me, her head against my shoulder.

GINNY: I minded. A lot. But then she would always respect our dates, I mean she never canceled or went back early or show up late.

And well I couldn't be mad when she'd go down on me until I passed out. 

I'm sorry but Morrigan Poston was so bloody hot. I could sometimes just feel myself dripping at the sight of her.

PANSY: I knew she was in a relationship, we were intimate in different ways.

I mean this was someone who told me about their fears (dying) told me about her dreams (going on a world tour) her biggest regrets (not taking better care of her brother) everything.

I knew she loved me. I didn't have to ask. And she didn't have to tell me. You cannot give every piece of you to a person and not consider that love.

"Winter break I'm going to LA again, write to me?"

"Send me a picture of you and Tommy, I want to see him"

Her eyes started watering "hey don't cry Morrigan"

"He's supposed to come to Hogwarts next year and I need this war to be over, I don't want him to be called the names I was or be treated the way I was"

I held her that night and knew people from my house were responsible for making her feel this way. And my heart burned.

Later that night she showed me pictures of him, he looked just like her, same hair and eyes, in every picture he was holding up Black Opiums vinyl.

JAMES: We recorded clean versions just for him.

PANSY: I remember thinking that if anyone fucked with Tommy I would personally hex them or even just kick the shit out of them.

MARCO: I was going to propose over winter break.

PANSY: I remember it was Christmas Day, Mor had earlier sent me a picture sitting down with Tommy on the piano.

"Merry Christmas my gorgeous Pansy,

I'll see you soon enough, I miss you.

Love - Mor"

Despite it being the peak of the war I was happy.

Then our annual family dinner happened and everyone seemed very excited too. Marco was there that's probably why.

Then in the middle of dinner, I see him stand up and hand me a box.

My world fell apart when I seen what was inside. A bloody ring.

"Pansy I'm not great at making speeches so I won't. Will you marry me?"

I stood up. Everyone was smiling at me. I knew in that moment I couldn't I just couldn't. This was taking it too far.

"I can't, I just can't" I remember apparating to the one person who could get me out of this mess.

The dark lord.

Ted Tonks was the price. I remember thinking I just could marry Marco, I didn't want to kill Ted.

But the dark lord promised he'd sort everything out and he wouldn't let my parents do anything to me.

But someone beat me to killing Ted. Sadly for that person I was smarter.

I killed him and told the dark lord it was I who killed Ted Tonks.

That's why all your history books say that.

Really I rid the world of a loyal death eater.

Actually two.

The Seven Boyfriends Of Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now