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PANSY: she called like those hero's do in the books.

"M: I love you and I'm so sick of not waking up next to you.

P: Mor...

M: Pansy I promise we'll do it right, we'll get married, we'll live in your manor, we could adopt children, you are my muse and I miss you.

P: Every time something goes wrong Mor and I don't want to keep hurting you.

M: so don't, I am willing to try, say no and I'll leave you alone forever, but if you're willing to try, if you think we're something worth saving like I do. Say the words and I'm yours. Hell I've always been yours.

P: you really mean it?

M: Yeah, you're my home, I've never had a home.

P: We're worth saving.

M: I'm going to drive over right now, I'll be there in twenty, I fucking love you Pansy Parkinson

P: I fucking love you too Morrigan Poston

M:... if I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more"

I got ready. My girl was coming back to me. This time forever. She'd come back and never leave.

JAMES: Morrigan had chose a ring to give her. Huge ass diamond. She was so sure she would say yes.

"I'm leaving okay James?"

"Go get her"

She smiled the biggest id ever seen and hugged me tightly "we'll get married then make the best music in the world I promise"

I laughed "You bring the songs I'll bring the rest"

She basically skipped out the door. Good people like her deserve happy ending and I know it's been a rollercoaster, but Mor was finally happy.

I remember I exhaled and I felt like I hadn't breathed in so long. I didn't even know I was holding in my breath.

PANSY: I put on one of their very first records, had a slice of carrot cake and two forks by the table ready.

I could already smell the cigarettes and peaches. I could already see her blonde hair and child like smile.

I think because we're from the magical world our love is stronger. I could feel her heart growing closer to mine.

Magic was beautiful. Magic was strong.

I waited by the door. It was taking a bit longer than twenty minutes.

Knowing Mor she went to grab something romantic. Maybe a carrot cake as well. I remember feeling like a kid before Christmas.

The phone rang and I ran to it. It had to be her probably telling me her car broke down or she was lost.

It was a random mans voice "is this Pansy Parkinson?"


"This is officer Martinez, we need you to come down to the hospital"

I wish I hadn't ran to the phone. I wished I cherished the moment before that phone call. Wished I gave myself more time with hope and dreams.

I was what they call 'emergency contact' they found my card in her car, her wallet to be specific.

I walked into that room and knew it couldn't be my Mor.

Then I saw the blonde hair next mixed with red streaks of blood.

I saw that leather jacket that I would know everywhere.

I touched her hands. Cold. No. No. No. Morrigan Poston wasn't cold. No. She was light and she was warm.

I held on tightly. I could warm her up. I tried so hard to warm her up.

DRACO: Love can't bring someone back from the dead. Trust me.

PANSY: Those stupid muggles didn't know what they were saying. I took her body to Saint Mungos.

"We're so sorry, dead is dead in either world, we're so sorry for your loss."

I remember crying so hard the lights in the entire hospital went out.

"Mor please come on, we're supposed to get married, raise children, come on please, come back to me"

It had worked all the times before. Why not now?

JAMES: My world stopped turning for a bit when I saw her body. They got her things from the Muggle hospital.

Carrot cake and a wedding ring. The only things that survived the crash. I hated how they said her car 'wrapped around a tree' I hated thinking she died in pain.

Perhaps I hated the world more. Why her? She was going to get her happy ending.


Time stands still in a hospital.

I think one of the worst parts was seeing Pansy crying over her body. "Please come back to me" she was literally begging her to come back.

Mor was real cold. I held her hand "I'm sorry"

PANSY: I laid in bed with her. I knew her even in death.

I kept hoping for a miracle. But she was my miracle. You don't get two. You only get one. And I had mine for such little time.

I was too blind with rage and sadness to see I was blessed with at least a little time. I spent so much time hiding how much I loved her. I would've given everything up for those stolen moments.

Those moments where she knew she loved me and didn't care if I loved her back.

I was a fool and robbed us of so many years being afraid of how much I loved her. And now she was gone. The love of my life was dead. No longer breathing, thinking or moving.

And nothing. Not even my dark mark compared to the pain I felt in my chest.

I wish I could've gone back and enjoy all the pain I said would be 'forevermore' because now. Now. This pain would be forevermore. And I mean that in the most honest way.

SCOTT: Man hearing about Morrigan broke my heart. I physically felt it break.

ERNIE: I just thought it couldn't be true. Morrigan Poston was untouchable. She had too much kindness and talent and raw love to be dead.

How could the world look at someone like her and think 'yeah we outta kill her' HOW?

JAMES: After three days that her body was in the hospital we planned a funeral.

Man. I was planning my wedding. Now I was planning my best friends funeral.

PANSY: My world crumbled.

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