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PANSY: This time I was the one being kept a secret.

"Ginny was really close to Ted, Hufflepuff house is really mourning right now"

I looked at Andromeda and Ted and only saw Morrigan and I.

A slytherin girl with black hair who comes from one of the oldest pureblood families.

A blonde Hufflepuff, Muggle born who has a heart of gold and a person everyone would and should mourn.

I was so tired of that star crossed lovers shit. I mean I just wanted to be with her. I wanted to live in a big city, maybe New York, send her brother to Illvormorny, just us two.

ERNIE: Mor wrote a song about Ted. We called it 'Edward'.

'You're gone but I can feel you still in my bones/ love can't be killed/ even if they tried/  I think I'll remember you until the day I go'

GINNY: Tonks loved that song, she played it for her little baby all of the time. I knew I loved Mor when she first performed it.

JAMES: it was just her on the piano, we were all purebloods in the band so we knew how much this meant to her.

PANSY: I wasn't allowed or even invited to that show.

GINNY: she sang her heart out, you could see the tears falling down her face and you could see her shoulders aching in pain as she played.

There was not one dry eye in the crowd. Even McGonagall watched and cried.

I watched her up there and I don't know I realized she wasn't singing to me, I don't even think she saw me there.

I used to be so jealous of Pansy because Morrigan no matter what song it was would look down and sing to her.

I knew her heart belonged to someone else, maybe Pansy didn't even deserve a heart like Mor's but that wasn't up to me.

I felt my heart shatter that night.

I couldn't be with her, not while she was in love with her and realizing that hurt me so badly.

Mor fought though, she fought for me.

"Come on Ginny what am I doing wrong?"

"Mor it's not that"

"Can you tell me what it is then? Please?"

The look in her eye said to me that she genuinely had no idea why. Poor Morrigan didn't even know who she was in love with.

As humans we are selfish people.

"I don't want to fight with Pansy over your time"

"I'm all yours"

PANSY: We stopped hanging out as much. She didn't care that I was single and willing to be with her. But she could see right past me. She knew I wasn't ready to be out.

I watched though, Valentine's Day they were both no where to be found.

I was jealous that someone else was having every inch of that skin. I became bitter.

But she still would smile at me and I just knew she still loved me.

SCOTT: She wrote 'Chaser' which ya know is the position Ginny played. It was a hard rock song, she told us she wrote it after 3 hours of sex. Hardcore.

JAMES: Oh I loved Ginny and Mor I mean they both made each other laugh and it's real funny because when Ginny would blush she'd turn so red.

THEODORE: Pansy didn't even want to talk to us anymore, everyone copes different with war. I was still an icon.

BLAISE: Theo was a fucking Black Opium groupie [laughs]

PANSY: Do you know what it's like to see the love of your life with someone else?

I listened to the songs I knew she wrote about me and would run long baths and drink red wine.

'My darling / id go through the trenches with you/ lay in the pitch of snakes just to be with you'

I'd see her once a week probably, we went from holding each other every night to now once a week.

"How are you? You seem really tired?"

I shrugged.

"Come on Pansy"

"I can't believe you chose you're girlfriend over me, to think I was your best friend"

"What'd you expect me to do? Honestly fuck you. I've watched you date so many guys, healed your face but I'm in the wrong here"

"Oh now you're mad at me?"

"Mad? For fucks sake" she almost stopped. Almost. "I cried on the bathroom floor with James holding me asking him why I wasn't enough, why you couldn't just choose me"

JAMES: Maybe it was just a large dose of pills she took that day but she cried the entire night.

PANSY: "That doesn't matter now"

"You killed Ted, I don't think I can forgive you, I tried but I can't even look at you"

I wouldn't be okay from that point on. She saw me as one of them. This whole time I thought she was seeing the real me.

She didn't say anything, she didn't even feel bad. She walked away.

I stayed outside that library for hours. Just falling apart.

I walked slowly to the nearest restroom, I think I was going to throw up.

And there they were. Ginny was sitting on the sink and Morrigan was on her knees.

Ginny made eye contact and winked at me running her fingers through Morrigans hair moaning loudly.

I should've walked away. But I didn't. I wanted to pull Morrigan away and tell her I loved her and beg for her forgiveness.

GINNY: I don't care if it was a fucked up thing to do.

PANSY: She pulled Morrigan and kissed her lips.

"I love you Mor"

"Fuck Gin you know damn well I love you more"

She loved her and I was stuck watching. The love between us and lose of love maimed me. But here she was thriving.

I told myself I'd get over it. I had gotten every past heartbreak. I had done it. I could love again. I just lied to myself.

I remember I walked by her with Blaise and ever so clearly coughed


The Seven Boyfriends Of Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now