Chapter Two

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I stared at the faces that were looking back at me or out the window, faces I recognized but names I could never remember. Except for one girl in the back. Her hair was a bright orange, and her red lipstick popped against her pale skin.

If you asked any guy about her, they'd go on about how beautiful she was instead of how smart she could be, or how good of a singer she was.

I sat next to Natalie, her smile quickly growing as she watched me sit. "Thank god you're finally on here. This bus smells ten times better." Natalie leaned in and quickly sniffed my perfume, sighing in content. "Is that sunflowers?"

"Yep! Got it at the mall Saturday."

"And you didn't go with me? How rude of you!" She whacked my arm gently as I frowned.

"I was going for my mom. She really wanted Cheesecake."

"It's not pregnancy cravings, is it? Because your mom seems to be wanting a lot lately." Natalie frowned as I gasped, shaking my head.

"No! Jesus Christ no! My mom hasn't had a significant other since Kinsley." Natalie shivered at the name and shook her head.

Kinsley was what you'd call... a special type of person. She wasn't abusive. But she wasn't nice either. She was definitely manipulative, though... i guess that is abusive, isn't it?. I almost got kicked out at 14 because of her. She tried convincing my mom I was a mutant but in her final days with us, but of course my mom refused to believe that.

She had always chosen me over her, and Kinsley hated that. She never let me do anything, claiming that because she lived under our roof, she made the rules.

I had almost used that power on her once. When I came home two weeks before she—

"Jeyda?" Natalie snapped me back into reality and I looked at her.


"You were shaking." She muttered as I looked at my hands, which started trembling with nerves. I quickly shoved them in my pockets, laughing awkwardly.

"Yeah uh... probably the bus." I smiled softly as she frowned at me, shrugging as I put my headphones on, blasting Pink Floyd.


"I'm telling you, Jeyda l, if you just give him a chance—"

"I am not dating a football player, Nat! You remember when you tried hooking me up with Bailey from the Soccer Team?" I glared at her as the two of us recalled what had happened on my 'first date' with Bailey Estro.

It... did not go well in the slightest. I'll be honest, Bailey was cute. And he's funny and smart. And he was not the reason the date went bad.

It was because of him.

My eyes landed on the oh-so-familiar back of a boy with silver hair, attempting to shove a large jacket into his tiny locker.

"Just because Peter Maximoff just so happened to be at the same restaurant you and Bailey went to doesn't mean—"

"He doesn't have the money to afford a place like Euphorica! That place cost me almost $800 because of the food I threw at Peter for crashing my date!" I snapped, and Natalie raised her hands defensively.

"Okay. Okay I get it. You and Peter are the worst enemies at this school. He just likes to get under your skin." Natalie defended as I scoffed, glaring at Peter. He had sensed the eyes on him, turning our direction and waving to Natalie before flipping me off.

And without hesitation, I did the same.

"You guys are so cute." Natalie joked as I glared at her, walking off. "It's just a joke!"

I dropped down in my AP mathematics class, taking out my pencil and notebook, staring ahead at the board.

"Boo!" I let out a scream, slapping the person that had startled me. When I realized who it was I groaned in annoyance, standing up.

"Peter! This isn't your class get out! God, I can't deal with your insufferable existence today." I snapped as he merely laughed, taking a step back when he realized how close the two of us were.

"Oh calm down, hot head. Just a little joke. Plus, this is my class." Peter pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, unfolding it and handing it to me.

I hesitantly took the paper, eyes widening as I realized he was right. Peter had been transferred to my class.

"Oh god is this some another one of your jokes? Because like the rest, it's not funny." Peter snickered, hands in his pockets.

"Nope. No joke around here. Looks like I'm not as dumb as you think I am." He grinned as my grip tightened on the paper to the point it ripped.

"You've got to be kidding me." I grumbled through my teeth, slowly sitting down as Peter started to sit next to me. "You sit there, and I'll be shoving pencils into your ear drums the rest of the month." I threatened a she quickly stood up, walking to the back of the class.

I didn't even understand how he had changed classes at the last month of school. Was it really just a damn prank? Had he somehow hacked into our school system and changed his schedule to completely match mine?

Jesus, he really was an insufferable human.

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