Chapter Six

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As soon as Oeter had finished his sentence the world returned to normal, and the robot emerged from my house.

"Mutant!" My mom yelled as I quickly touched her temple.

"Sleep." I muttered, watching as she fell to the ground, knocked out. "I want her out of here. Now." Peter wasted no time running with my mom, the robot staring me down.

I could hear the gears in its brain working as the street lights began popping one by one. By now, people should have been outside, watching the scene unfold as energy beams started to leave the street lights and enter my hands.

Now this was what I had talked about when I mentioned my most dangerous ability. Ergokinesis. I'm able to manipulate anything with energy in it. Wether it's a car, a tv, street light.

Human. Robot.. you get the idea.

I wasn't able to control this power. I had never used it until the day I discovered I was a mutant. That's why the energy from the street lights was building up inside of me.

I was trying really hard to take the energy from the robot, but it wouldn't move. It was, in fact, doing the same thing as I was.

Except it was now draining the energy from me.

I gasped from air as the energy dispersed Out of me towards the robot, my hand grasping my throat. For a moment, I thought I was about to die. And then, I felt a hand on the back of my head, and suddenly I was in a basement.

And it wasn't just any basement. I had never been here, but I knew... I knew this was Peter's.

How, you may ask?

There were about 200 boxes of Twinkies stacked against a wall, and my mom was on the couch.

And, I was also staring up at Peter.

"Jeyda c'mon just breathe already." He frowned as my fingers latched onto a cable, feeling the energy tuning through it and into my fingers. Something crackled at the end of the cable, and Peter yelled.

"Hey watch it! You're gonna ruin Ms PAC-MAN!" He ran over to the game as I gasped again, sitting up quickly as I felt my life had suddenly been brought back to me.

"This is your fault!" I yelled, standing up and storming over to Peter, who quickly pressed himself against his game console.

"I didn't think he'd try to kill you!"

"We'll be almost did! No thanks to you!" I poked Peter hard in the chest, causing a shock wave to electrocute him, his hair sticking up quickly.

"I'm sorry, all right?! Is that what you'd like to hear?"

"What I would like to hear is a plan to get this robot off of our ass!" I yelled, slowly getting louder. Peter pressed his hand against my mouth, and I swatted it away.

"Pipe it down, will ya? My baby sister is asleep!" He frowned as I only slapped him again. "Ow! The hell was that for?"

"That was for bringing a killer robot into my house and getting it blown up! Now I don't have anywhere to sleep!" I glared at Peter as a slow smirk appeared on his face. "I am not sleeping here!"

"You just said you have no where to sleep!" He frowned as I shook my head, walking over to his telephone and quickly dialing Natalie's house.

I waited as the phone rang, impatiently tapping my foot on the ground as my mom still laid on the couch, out cold.

"Martin residence, this is Bruce."

"Hi! Mr. Martin, it's Jeyda... was just wondering if I could stay the—"

"I'm sorry, Jeyda... but Natalie is at another friends tonight. Henrietta and I are leaving right now for our trip. You'll have to ask again tomorrow."

"God I was hoping you wouldn't say that..." I squinted my eyes shut, scrunching up my nose in distaste as I heard the line click, ringing in my ears.

"Where am I... sleeping?" I slowly spoke, Peter's grin only widening.

"Knew it would happen." Peter guided me down a hallway and into a bedroom. And for once I was hoping it was a guest bedroom.

But it wasn't.

I was currently standing in Peter Maximoff's bedroom. And I was really hoping he had a bunk bed.

"I can sleep on the floor. You'd probably be more comfortable on a bed." He said, walking towards his closet and pulling out a random pillow and blanket as I shook my head.

"No way. I'm sleeping out in that room with my mom." I started to walk back out into the hallway, pausing when Peter laughed.

"You sure you want to sleep on that floor? That carpet hasn't been cleaned since this place was built!" I scrunched my nose again, walking back into his room and crossed my arms.

"Well I'm not sleeping on that bed. I don't want to know what or who you've done on there." Peter only chuckled again, dropping the pillow on his floor.

"Only myself." He smirked, and I gagged both internally and externally. "And I washed them last night! Seriously, just sleep on the damn bed."

"It's your bed. You sleep on it!" I frowned as he shook his head.

"You're a guest. You can sleep on it."

"I'm not sleeping on that bed!" I snapped, furrowing my brows together.

"I'm not either!" Peter argued, dropping the blanket aggressively.

Ten minutes later.

I stared up at the ceiling as I laid on Peter's floor, kicking him in the leg as he had been laying next to me.

"Ouch." He emphasized, scooting further away. "This what you wanted?" He whispered as I groaned.

"What I want is to be in my own damn bed right now!"

"Well sorry, Princess, but it's not my fault a giant robot blew up half your house." Peter crossed his arms as I scoffed.

"It's entirely your fault!"

"I take half credit for the destruction of your house."

"I'm going to kill you if this robot doesn't kill you first." I flipped onto my side, facing away from Peter, a frown etched into my face as I stared under his bed, slowly reaching until I felt something soft.

When I focused hard enough to the point my eyes glowed, a small smile crept onto my face as I stared at a little elephant stuffed animal.

"What's its name?" I asked with an evil grin as Peter clicked its tongue.

"I was thinking Amazo. Y'know since it can mimic mutants powers and, well.. that's pretty amaz— HEY!" Peter quickly leaned over me and snatched the elephant out of my hand, glaring down at me as I cackled.

"You thought— that I— that I was l— aha!" I continued to laugh until my side hurt, taking in sharp breaths and wiping away tears.

"That's not funny!" He glared down at me as I nodded.

"Yes it is." Peter huffed and dropped back down onto his pillow, the two of us falling silent. "Amazo sounds like a cool name.. for the robot." I whispered, slowly shutting my eyes as Peter cleared his throat.

Silence filled the air again. And as I fell asleep, the last thing I heard couldn't help but bring a smile to my face.

"His name is Cass."

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