Chapter Fourteen

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"I wasn't expecting you to return home so soon." Amazo grinned as my eyes widened, and I turned to Peter.

"You planned this?" Peter asked, and Amazo simply held his grin. He looked more human, it was fucking terrifying.

"Of course. You really think I'd chase you all the way to Vegas? No. I wanted to make sure the people here knew what would happen if I found a mutant. That's what I was designed to do."

"You're going to kill us?" I whispered, my voice cracking as fear began to rise up. Amazo stayed silent for a moment, the grin becoming bigger as his eyes turned red.


"Run!" Peter yelled, grabbing my hand and running us outside. Amazo was quick to follow us, and just as we were going to cross the bridge, he slammed into Peter.

His grasp on my hand was released and I was slammed into the edge of the bridge, gasping out a cry as the wind knocked out of me.

"Jeyda!" Peter yelled as I stared up at the bright sky, Amazo marching over, slowly.

"It's a shame, Jeyda Berks." Amazo said as I gasped again, my hands attempting to pry Amazo's off of my throat. He lifted me up slowly, forcing the air to stop entering my throat.

"Let he go!" Peter tried to stand up, only to yell in pain. I looked over at him to see his foot bent in an odd direction.

"Peter..," I breathed, my hand reach for him in agonizing pain. His eyes widened as a small ball of energy swallowed his leg in an attempt to heal it.

"You had so much potential." Amazo finally finished and for the one thousandth time I gasped, attempting to stop time and keep Amazo from throwing me, but he had taken my ability.

I tried to hold on, but I wasn't strong enough as he threw me over the bridge, Peter's cry of horror the last thing I heard as I fell down.

And down.

And down.

Until I splashed into water, fear consuming me faster than anything ever had in my life. I tried to grab anything, but what could I grab? I was falling. There was nothing for me to grab.

I back slammed into the river below, the water ice cold against my skin as I tried ti break for the surface, only being shoved down the harder I tried.

No. This can't be it no.

If I had been up there, you could tell I was sobbing. Trying to swim. Trying to gasp for air. But there was nothing. I could see the surface, my hands so close, yet so far away that they couldn't pull me out and let me breathe.

I was going to die here, wasn't I?

This was the end for me.

"You had so much potential." What could he have meant by that?

I guess I'd never know.

The world around me felt as if it had come to a stand still as I grew weaker, water began to fill my lungs and I started choking, now floating under the water as everything went dark.

This was it.

"Jeyda!" Peter screamed, slowly standing up and watched as Amazo just turned around.

"He only wanted her gone." Amazo said as he became swarmed by a ball of energy, and Peter watched as he floated off.

The boy with silver hair ran over to the ledge as fast as he could, ignoring the car horns and the shouting voices as he searched for the waters.

"JEYDA!" He screamed again, fixing his goggles as he ran off the bridge and down to the shore of the river, scanning for anything that was moving.

Tears began to fall as Peter saw a dark figure wash up in the other side, unmoving. He ran over the water and to Jeyda's side, flipping her over into his lap, wiping the wet hair from her face.

"Jeyda?" Peter's voice broke as he tore off his goggles, holding her face in his hands. "Jeyda come on..."

Silence followed, the small chatter of voices from the bridge as they watched the boy mourn over his old enemy.

His barely new friend.

A girl, who only a few weeks ago, wouldn't have dreamed of Peter crying over her body, his heart shattering as he believed her to be dead.

A girl, who only a few weeks ago, Peter wouldn't have ever thought as anything more than his enemy.

Would he even imagine being more than a friend?

He rested his forehead against hers before he hugged her tightly, crying into her neck. "Don't go." He begged, over and over again until he began to think it was the only two words he ever knew.

Silence followed again.

And then, I coughed.

Water escaped my lungs in a rush, Peter quick to look at me as I gasped for air, and he pulled off a piece of plastic from out of my hair.

"Did I just wake up to you crying over me?" I asked, coughing again as Peter wiped his tears away quickly.

"No! No I'd— I wasn't crying. There was uh... sand." He lied as I nodded slowly.

"Mhm... sand." I picked trash and seaweed out of my hair and from my clothes as Peter just sat there, watching me intently as if he was thinking.

"We should hurry up and get out of here. Before the police arrive." Peter suggested as I nodded, allowing him to help me up. "Are you ready for a run?" He asked as I once again nodded slowly, his hand reached to the back of my head, and we were running again.

I found myself standing in front of a small motel, turning to Peter. "I was thinking that you could use your telepath thing to have is not look like the wanted mutants." He crossed his arms as j nodded slowly, looking in through the glass door and to the receptionist.

I inhaled sharply, closing my eyes as I tried to imagine what Peter and I would look like. I allowed him to walk in first, the receptionist eyeing us and sighed, shutting her newspaper.

"One bed?" She asked as Peter's attention snapped towards me.

"Oh um... two." I answered, the receptionist clicking her tongue.

"$25 a night." She crossed her arms as I smiled softly, staring into her eyes. "Got a staring problem?"

"We won't be needing to pay you." I spoke into her mind, my lips unmoving as she nodded slowly, handing me a key. I thanked her quietly and the two of us rushed out, searching for the motel room.

It was a new motel, only had to be around 3 years old, so it still looked fairly clean and not creepy.

Peter slowly sat on his bed, staring ahead as I frowned, remembering that out bags were at the school. I walked out of the bathroom, grabbing a towel to try and dry the rest of my hair.

"Hey Peter, do you think you could— Peter?" I frowned as he still stared ahead, slowly turning back to me.

"You almost died today." He mumbled as my arms dropped.

"I'm fine now—"

"But what if you weren't? That would have been on me." Peter stood up as I shook my head.

"Peter it's okay really—"

"It's not okay! I mean— you said it yourself! You're in this mess because of me. I— you can't swim because of me and that almost got you killed!" I walked over to Peter, grabbing his shoulders.

"Peter. I'm fine." I frowned at him as he just shook his head, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry." He whispered quietly as I slowly hugged Peter back, shutting my eyes. "You're the only friend I've had in a long time... I don't want to lose you."

"You're not going to lose me that easily, Peter."

Hey look. Their friendship is actually going somewhere because one of them almost died <3

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