Chapter Tweleve

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I found myself waking up to a loud banging on the door, causing me to quickly stop time in a panic, hands outstretched to the door. My hands dimly lit the room as I looked across the bedroom, seeing Peter passed out outside, near-empty bottle of vodka in his hand that dangled over the chair.

I turned back to the bedroom door, standing up slowly. I knew that the banging was coming from the entrance door, which meant that somebody knew we weren't supposed to be here. And Peter would probably have a raging hangover when he woke up, so that's just wonderful.

I slowly continued time again, opening the door. "Can I help you, sir?" I asked, hoping the man saw me as a middle-aged woman.

"Sorry to bother you ma'am. I'm the owner of this building and I'm pretty sure you're in the wrong room." He said as I gave him a soft frown.

"Pardon?" I asked, tilting my head as if I was actually confused.

"This hotel room has been falsely checked in. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave."

"But I have the key." I grabbed the key off of the table next to the door, dangling it in the air. "Surely you folks have made a mistake! My husband got this room." I continued as he crossed his arms.

"And what would your husbands name happen to be

Shit. I'm definitely fucked.

"Oh... um... well—" I laughed awkwardly, quickly pressing my fingers to my temple.

"What are you—"

"You remember this interaction as if it were a simple mistake. I was meant to be in this suite, you will not send anyone to escort me or my friend— husband— out of this hotel suite. We will not be paid for staying here. We will not be kicked out. This will go on until we are ready to leave." I ordered as the man's eyes flashed an ashy green for a moment before he nodded.

"I'm sorry again, ma'am. I think I must have made a mistake." He laughed awkwardly as I crossed my arms.

"Right. I best not be bothered again at such a late hour!" I scorned him as he quickly hurried off, and I shut and locked the door, exhaling a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I rubbed my eyes gently, trudging back to my room and shut the door, falling onto the bed.

My heart was thundering in my ears as I stared at Peter, only wondering what he could be dreaming of that was making him grin like a mad-man.

Maybe I could just sneak a peek— no! What the hell that's so messed up.

You did it before to other people. What's so wrong about Peter?

It's Peter. That's what's wrong with it.

I groaned quietly and laid on my back, staring at the ceiling. I had always refused to go inside the mind of  Peter. I never wanted to know what he was thinking. But last night... I was stupid to look into what he was thinking.

It wasn't just the fact I saw he was fantasizing about kissing me. It was the fact that our views on one another changed in just the matter of a day.

I felt like things were moving so fast. I couldn't handle it. It was all too much for my brain.

I sighed quietly and rubbed my eyes, shaking my head.

What had I gotten myself into?

I woke up early again, opening a single eye to see Peter staring at me with wide eyes. I let out a yell, tumbling off of the bed, wrapped in blankets.

"Oof. Sorry." He whispered as I frantically uncurled myself from the cocoon that had trapped me, glaring at Peter.

"I was thinking, since you... Y'know, manipulated the owner of this building into thinking we lived in this suite, we just go down and pretend we're legal adults and get our gambling on." Peter grinned as I frowned at him.

"That's illegal. Also how did you know I did that?" I answered as he raised a brow at me.

"One: Us staying here is illegal. So what? And two... I was listening." He answered as I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

"I' think I'm just going to drown myself in the hot tub." I stood up slowly, finding myself back in the bathroom, putting on my cold bikini. I once again rubbed my eyes, staring at myself in the mirror.

I sighed again, hearing the buzzing thoughts of Peter. I shook my head, walking out of the bathroom and outside.

I walked over to one of the walls, opening a control panel and turning on the hot tubs jets, tailing over to the bubbling little pool.

I hummed in content as I sank deeper into the hot tub, watching the sun rise.

I turned my head to see the door slide open, Peter walking out as he took off his Pink Floyd shirt, now only wearing his swim shorts.

I watched as he dove into the pool, resurfacing at the edge and resting his head on his arms, also proceeding to watch the sun rise.

For a moment, I wanted to just jump into the pool with him, but then the realization that I still couldn't swim popped into my head, and I just went back to relaxing in the hot tub, shutting my eyes.

I only opened them again when I heard water splashing, watching Peter sink into the hot tub, and sit across from me. I couldn't tell if he saw me open my eyes since I only peeled out through my lashes, but I knew he was watching me. I could feel his eyes stabbing through me.

"You read my mind last night, didn't you?" He finally spoke as my eyes popped open, and we stared at each other for a long while, silence following save for the bubbling noise of the hot tub. Peter shrugged. "I don't really care if you did... unless you saw something I didn't want you to see."

"Well, you'd probably care, then." I muttered, waving my hands around under the water.

Peter hummed in confusion, leaning forward slightly as I shook my head. "Nothing."

"No please, tell me what you said." He ordered, a faint of a smile creeping onto his face.

"Like I said, it was nothing." I answered as he just kept leaning forward, my heart thundering in my chest.

"Well if it was nothing, why won't you share?" I tried to back up, only finding my back pressed against the wall of the hot tub.

"I um— well... it's not—"

"You're getting pretty nervous over something that's 'not important,' JJ." Peter stared into my eyes, and I found myself trapped as his hands gripped the sides of the hot tub, and I was right between them.

"C'mon. What did you see? Tell me." He demanded as I laughed nervously, shaking my head.

"No." I answered quickly, and Peter scoffed.

"Well if you can't tell me, then could you show me?" He asked, eyes flickering between my lips and my eyes.

"No." I repeated, continuing to shake my head.

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm not going to kiss you!" I snapped, shocking Peter to where he fell back as I stood up. "Quit acting like the only reason I brought you here was to sleep with you! I'm only in this mess because that fucking robot is chasing after both of us!" I got out of the hot tub as quickly as I could, snatching up my towel and locking myself in the bathroom.

"Idiot. Idiot idiot!" I muttered to myself, wanting to slam my head into the bathtub. I could feel those thoughts, those fantasies of Peter and I trying to break through. To resurface as if I didn't just yell at him. Like I didn't just feel his mind boil into sadness

I just hoped he was reminded what we were. What we are.


That wasn't going to change in the matter of a few hours.

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