Chapter Eleven

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I continued to stare down at my feet, watching as they inches closer to the deep end of the pool.

"I don't think this is a good idea." I spoke up as Peter shook his head.

"You'll be fine." He replied, taking bigger steps towards the end. I shook my head, wanting to pull back.

"No, I think I can learn over here—"

"C'mon, JJ. I got you."

"I'm serious, Peter. I'm not going to—" I yelped loudly as Peter yanked me away from the shallow end, and I found myself no longer in his grasp, failing my arms in terror.

"Peter I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled, coughing as water entered my lungs. I found myself clinging to the side of him, chest rising and falling at a fast rate as I shoved my face into his shoulder.

"See? You totally had that." Peter joked as I grumbled.

"Fuck you. I hate you. This is why I can't trust people—"

"Hey c'mon now." Peter forced me to look at him, his eyes seeming to make me calm down... slightly. "I said I was gonna help you learn how to swim. And I'm doing that."

"What you're doing, is trying to drown me. I'm going to the hot tub." I went to step onto the ground, my head dunking under as Peter quickly lifted me up.

"Maybe I should just... push you." He laughed awkwardly as the two of us swam to the shallow end. When I finally got my footing, I stood up quickly, walking over to the hot tub.

The hot tub was much brighter, tiny little lights surrounding it as jets caused bubbles to form around me. It was significantly warmer than the pool, causing me to relax slightly.

I turned my head to face Peter, casually floating around the pool. I sighed quietly, turning to the sliding doors, waving my hand to let it open, searching through cabinets until I found a record, opening the record player and turning it on.

I hummed to the tune of The Archies, a smile small creeping onto my face as I heard Peter sing softly.

"Sugar do do do do do do ah, honey honey..." I could feel the calmness of his emotions.

"You are my candy girl..." I sang softly, bobbing my head around.

"And you got me wanting you." I turned my head over my shoulder to see Peter climbing into the hot tub, stretching his hand out for me to take. I quickly shook my head, trying to hold back a smile.

"No. There is no way I'm dancing with—" I went to wave my hand in an attempt to shoo Peter's away, but only found myself being pulled up, both hands clasped into Peter's.

"Honey." Peter wiggled his brows as he sang, a smile on his face as he spun me, and I couldn't help myself to laugh as I continued to sing along.

"Ah, sugar sugar." I hummed to the beat of the song, Peter and I swaying back and forth.

"You are my candy girl..." Peter sang into my ear, making a chin run up my spine as a wolf thought rang in my ears. I shook the thought away quickly, blaming it on the alcohol.

"I just can't believe the loveliness of loving you." I sang quietly as Peter hummed, spinning me around so that my back was against his chest, the two of us watching the sun set.

"I just can't believe it's true." We continued to sing the song quietly, swaying back and forth in the hot tub.

"You are my candy girl." Peter finished, turning me to look at him.

Our eyes locked for a moment before I found him looking at my lips. And for a split second, I had done the same, my mind finding it's way into Peter's.

I could see the fantasy he was having. My hands tangled in his hair, his hands resting against my waist, trailing up tot he string of my bikini top.

Stop. No. Oh my god, no.

I quickly pulled away from Peter, whose eyes widened in confusion as I shook my head. "I um.. I'm getting kinda tired— I think I'll just—"

"Yeah, yeah. Um. Yeah. Goodnight." I stepped out of the hot tub as quickly as I could, drying my legs and running inside, searching through my duffel bag for pajamas.

I locked the bathroom door the moment I walked in, staring at my reflection in the mirror before wiping a hand over my face.

"This is not happening." I muttered to myself and shook my head.

I refused to listen to my mind and let it explore the world of an aroused teenager. Refused to let it think about Peter in any way other than an accomplice to me running away.

I built a large, brick wall around those thoughts, locking them away deep in my mind.  I tried to use the energy of a light bulb to sober myself up, shaking my head once it did so.

I helped myself to a quick shower to kill of the chlorine in my hair, building another wall anytime a fantasy of Peter happened to emerge deep from the crazy side of my mind.

His hands around my throat— stop it.

What about his lips on mine— Jesus Christ no.

Sweet, peppered kisses on my chest— could you shut up?

Him moaning my name— maybe I should kill myself with this shower head.

Head. Head. Peter's he— OH MY GOD.

My eyes snapped open and I shut off the water, slapping myself across the face a good few times before grabbing a fresh towel, drying myself off as I tried to think of anything else.

Dogs. That cat from the Waffle House. Peter wanted that cat— STOP THINKING ABOUT PETER!

His abs. Jesus I didn't even know he had—

"Stop!" I yelled to myself out loud, covering my mouth quickly.

"What was that, JJ?" Peter called out from outside the bathroom and I mentally curse to myself.

"Nothing! It was nothing..." I answered, scolding myself in the mirror.

Unicorns. Pink elephant. Bobby Sherman... Bobby Sherman. The reason I'm in this mess is because of Peter — cut it out!

I got dressed into my pajamas as quickly as I could, rubbing my eyes as walking out of the bathroom. "You were in there for a while."

"Shut it." I snapped, jumping into my bed. Maybe if I stayed mean to him I'd stop thinking about him that way.

Yeah. That sounded logical.

Once the enemy... always the enemy?

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