Chapter Three

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Maybe Natalie was right. I should ask Justin out.

Jesus, I'm asking a guy out. Usually it's the other way around.

Was I being a free by watching him play football behind the bleachers? Probably. But I needed to make sure I caught him at the right time. I've been standing here my entire lunch period, watching... waiting.

This is boring.

"Why are you stalking the football players?" I yelled and jumped forward, nearly slamming my head into the bleachers and spun around, glaring at the silver headed boy.

"Peter! You old hag!" I snapped, nearly slapping him across the face just to release some anger out on him. "Can't you leave me alone for five minutes?!"

"No can do, your highness. My sole person in life is to hate you, because you hate me." He grinned as I frowned, crossing my arms.

"That's not a very positive life choice, Speedy." I frowned as his eyes widened in fear.

"How did you know about that?" He asked as I frowned again.

"Know about what?" I questioned, and he laughed awkwardly, leaning his throat.

"Nothing." He answered quickly, straightening up. "Anyways. I think tonight I'm going to fill your locker with flour and put that in a tub... that's connected to a spring. What do you think?" He asked and I stayed silent for a moment. "Come on, what do you think of my master plan? What do you think? Tell me! Tell meeeee."

"I think you're an idiot for telling me your 'master plan.'" I put air quotes at the end, and Peter tapped his chin.

"You're right. Pudding would have been way stickier. And tastier."

"Like you'd want to— I'm not finishing that sentence." I faked a gag, turning back around and frowned. "Dammit Peter! You ruined it again!"

"Your life? You did that the moment you stopped breathing in your moms uterus." He snickered at his own joke, rocking on the back of his heels. My eye twitched in annoyance and I scoffed, walking off. "Hey come back! I'm not done annoying you yet!"

I quickly ran back into the school, looking around for Justin. He wasn't exactly my type, but if he could somehow get Peter away from me, then I'm up for anything.

But then again, Peter seemed to drive away any boy I tried to get with. Which was very annoying.

"Justin!" I ran up to the taller boy, his dark hair flopping around and over his eyes from sweating. I wasn't going to lie, he reeked.

"Oh, hey Jeyda. What's up?" I looked around for a moment, trying to see if I could find Natalie, but my eyes landed on Peter too quickly, who gave me a suspicious look.

"Oh it's nothing, really. Uh..." I cleared my throat, forcing out a smile. "Would you like to maybe... um... go out tonight? To Noel's Diner?" Justin's eyes lit up, a smile appearing on his face.

"Honestly? I'd really like that. I'll uh... see you there at 6 then?" He asked and I smiled softly, nodding as my hands rubbed together nervously.

"Sounds great. I'll see you then." The two of us quickly parted ways, and I found myself standing next to Natalie's locker. She quickly sensed my presence, closing the metal door and turned to me.

"I just asked Justin out." I blurted, and my friend squealed with excitement, jumping up and down.

"Yay! Trust me, you'll fall in love with him, I just know it. His friends have told me he likes when girls don't get all dressed up for simple dates, so you don't need to go all out."

"Wasn't planning on it, but thank you for the tip." I joked with a soft smile, and Natalie nodding.

"When's the date?" She asked with a grin as I sighed.

"Tonight at 6. We're going to Noel's."

"Awe how cute! Shoot. Don't order the garlic burger. They love to drown the bun. I had that last week... my breath still smells like garlic." Natalie frowned, blowing her breath into her hand then sniffing it, gagging in disgust as I laughed.

"Noted. Oh and, try not to spill your guts about this date. I don't need Peter crashing it again."

"I said I was sorry! He's just so easy to talk to." Natalie frowned as I rolled my eyes.

"Please, you've been telling me that since we met him. He just likes to press his stupid questions until you snap and exploit people." Natalie tilted her head as if she was questioning me before nodding.

"You're right. He wouldn't stop asking me why I had gotten all excited until I told him about your date." She muttered and I frowned at her.

"Y'know you should have just hit him with this." I wiggled the chemistry book in Natalie's arms, and she frowned.

"You know I don't do violence."

"Unless you're screaming." I winked at her as she quickly shooshed me. I knew she was a mutant, and she knew I was one as well, but she had worse luck when it came to using her ability.

A sonic scream. That was her ability. She discovered it only a few years ago because she rarely screamed. And she learned to control it quickly. She just didn't need to be so frightened to the point she could literally blow someone's head off.

And she almost did, since I was there when she became aware of her ability.

Don't worry. Your secret is still safe with me. I spoke through my mind to her as she nodded slowly. She had always been wary of me knowing, but I had finally gotten the balls to tell her about a month after we found out about her.

"Sometimes I feel like you're overpowered." Natalie frowned a so snickered, shrugging.

"Maybe I am. But you can thank my dad for that. Carrying the X-Gene and all." I smiled, the two of us walking out of the school.

"Anyways, I was thinking if your date goes well tonight, we should celebrate! My parents are out of town for the week, so that means the wine cellar will be free range for 6 days!" Natalie nudged my arm as I chuckled.

"I'll probably end up drinking the wine even if the date doesn't go well." I sighed as she did.

"Come on, Jey, don't be like that! You and Justin will have a great time! Maybe even share a milkshake." She joked, and I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

"You know I don't share my milkshakes. Those drinks are like a gift sent from God."

"Peter says the same thing about Twinkies." Natalie snickered as I scorned her.

"We don't talk about Maximoff and his obsession for sponge cake and it's gross filling."

"Oh please! If Peter didn't like Twinkies so much then I sure as hell know you'd like them!" I shook my head in disagreement. Even if he didn't like them, I still wouldn't eat a Twinkie.

"Those things taste like something a piece of seaweed would make." I gagged at the faint taste that had found its way onto my tongue, and shook my head again.

"Do you think you could smoke seaweed and get high? I mean... weed is in the name." Natalie asked as I burst out a laugh.

"If anything, you could smoke actual grass and get some strange feeling in her brain."

"That's called brain damage, Jeyda."

"Then seaweed will give you the same feeling."

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