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TW: Slight Sexual Assult

"...even though I'd like to..."

"Do you guys think she'll be okay?" Tommy asked. It was now the day of Lana's ball with Ivan and she had already left. He was now walking through the museum with Greg and Lance. Everyone was looking for the best ways to get out of the hotel, no matter how much stuff had happened at that place.

"She's gone through something similar. I'm sure she'll hold up," Greg said, "I hope."

"What if she falls for some trick?"

"She was already on edge as it was. I'm sure she wouldn't fall for anything now," Lance told him, "Also, I'll be back, you guys."

"And where do you think you're going?" Greg asked.

"I'll be back," Before Greg could question anything else, Lance scurried off. Lance made his way to the exhibit of paintings where Beatrix usually went. Unlike normally, no one was in there. The old man that usually sat there was gone. Lance decided not to think much about it, taking the seat for himself.

He stared around at the paintings that adorned the walls. One in particular stood out. It was a woman on a cliff staring at the nothingness of the bottom of the edge. There was also a human figure of light behind the lady holding her hand. With as little as he knew, he didn't know that that was the old man's favorite painting.

The more he analyzed it, the more he couldn't stop thinking of Beatrix and Gene. But interrupting his thinking was a voice from behind him. At first he thought it was in his head, but then he realized that it was an actual person.

"Ya know, mey wife really loved 'at one," It was the old man. Lance was so startled that he fell off the chair.

"Oh sorry 'ere. Didn' mean fa' ya ta get sca'ed," He waddled over to help Lance up.

"You're fine sir. Was I in your spot?"

"I's open to the public," He took the seat, "But mey knees be hurtin'."

"It's fine. I was just about to leave," Lance did a small wave to the man before walking out. He was greeted by Varya.

"Hey Lance. Long time no see," She had a beaming smile across her face. Her makeup was also done, compared to the bare face she always had.


"Notice anything different?"

"... Should I be noticing a difference?"

"Depends. But, the difference is that... Now I'm twenty-six," She did small jazz hands.

"Really? Happy birthday," From her energy alone, he was able to smile.

"And, since it's my birthday, I've decided to throw a party.... and I wanted to know if you wanted to come. It's the first one I've had in a long time."

The smile faded, "Well, I.... There's just so much happening right now that I don't think I can."

Any energy she had was also gone, "Oh.... I didn't know."

"Hey, it's fine. Just celebrate with your family," He was pulling suggestions out of the air.

"I don't... They all live in Russia... and they..... Nevermind,"

"What about your friends? You gotta have some friends,"

"Not when everyone sees you as something you aren't," she said, crossing her arms like she was covering herself, "But it's fine. I get it..."

The Devil in the Form of Those That Follow: CalamitousWhere stories live. Discover now