Chapter 16: Together They Can

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A/n: Be Happy, and Happy Valentine’s day! I am making a surprise for you guys...

Disclaimer: I don’t own the DC comics characters or anything else just Kayne. Although the picture to the side was drawn by me and belongs to me.

Bruce couldn’t believe the sight in front of him. It was truly amazing and probably would have cried if he hadn’t run out of tears.

He had taken the stairs because the elevator was too slow. He bolted past the unmanned nurses’ desk and searched hard for the room labeled #4479. He took a deep agonized breath when he spotted it. Could it be? How had she survived? He saw her die with his own eyes.

He ran to it and grasped the door handle.

Something in Bruce’s stomach fluttered and he couldn’t place it. Nervousness? No, he had felt that before. Hope? Briefly, but he only felt a small amount but nothing to get jumpy about. Happiness. Yes, he hadn’t felt that in a while. It felt good for a brief second but then it was interrupted.

A piercing wail ricochets down the hall emitting room behind door #4479. Bruce pushes the door open in haste. Kayne lay in her bed, paper scattered across the floor and her painful sobs resounding in the air.

The thin white blanket wrapped tightly around Kayne’s sweaty body. A small line of red bloomed along Kayne’s abdomen. Her eyes were firmly closed in terror, and she tossed almost as if in a trance. She is asleep, Bruce thinks terrorized.

He quickly goes to her side and stands there unsure of what to do. Her creaky voiced calls in hysteria, “Bruce, help me!”

Something kicked in deep down in Bruce’s body. His strong arms wrap around Kayne’s tiny bony frame. Shushing escaped Bruce’s mouth as he attempts to calm her by rubbing his hand on her back. “Kayne, I am here. I am right here. Right here with you.” He whispers in her ear.

Her flailing arms settled down and her eyes snaps open. Her body pressing firmly against Bruce as reality took over her. Sobs escaped her throat as she closes her eyes to let the tears roll.

“What happened Kayne? Tell me, I got you and I always will.” Bruce assures kissing her hair which tumbled and tangled down Kayne’s back.

Kayne takes deep breathes as her small hands grip tightly onto Bruce’s white formal shirt. He hadn’t bothered to change and in a way Kayne was glad. She could smell both his signature scents on him. A rich woody scent and a dark rain scent that reminded her of the cave. The smell calmed her to subside her sobs, and let her chest relax from its heaving.

“Nothing Bruce, you are here now and with me. That’s all that matters to me right now. You are here, with me.” She mutters, heartbroken. She had almost started believing what the Joker said. But maybe it was all a dream.

Kayne notices the white rose over Bruce’s shoulder and her gut drops. No, it definitely happened.

“Kayne…” Bruce starts, pulling back to look at her while brushing her hair out of her face.

“No Bruce, really, I don’t want to think about it. It is all done and gone. You being here is seriously all I need.” Kayne reassures, gripping his hand. A small smile appears on her lips and somehow Bruce knew it was a real one.

Her relief for him having showed up made her sick dream of loneliness, blood, and clowns go away as if it the wind.

Despite the small doubt for it, he accepts the smile and looks around the room. He grabs a chair and pulls it up before stopping to look at the paper on the floor. He picks it up along with the pencil. His face sets in a solid expression.

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