Author's Note, for those that died.

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I know most of guys are hoping this is an update but sadly no it isn't. I am dearly sorry but I must something on my mind just to rant. I will update by tuesday tops.

So most of you guys have probably heard about the Colorado shooting that happend at the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises...

This brings me to tears every time I think about. I may have not known any of them or the families but I do know that what they did was wrong beyond belief. Not only did they ruin lives of some many people but they ruined the innocence of a movie. They ruined a family past time.

Is anybody going to feel safe now? What will happen to the surviors? I don't know. I hope they stay strong and pull through because that's what Batman would have wanted if he existed. Well, he is in my heart and many other geeky nerds like me; and he says stay strong.

The men that did this will pay and you know what, I hope they are ashamed of themselves. I hope they see what they did and not feel pride, or proudness. I hope they feel sick to their stomachs in guilt, remorse, and shame.

The mugshot they show everytime I turn the TV on makes me cry because he is smiling. He is happy about what he did and that makes me want to puke. He killed an innocent 6 year old girl and sent three more children to a hospital.

Who knows where his partner is but I hope they find him and try him. People like that sicken me.

I hope all the injured get better. I also hope that all those that were killed live a good afterlife, or next life. I hope their families find justice and find the heart to keep going. Hope, is the one thing that might fix this. Just maybe.

I don't know what to do about all of this. I don't think I can do anything. I feel useless about it. I feel like I could have done something but I am not sure.

One thing I am sure of is that when I first saw all of this I thought,

Where is Batman when you need him?

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