Chapter 9: Secrets are Meant to Stay Secret

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 Chapter 9

A/N: Were you guys surprised? :D… No? Oh, well fine then, be like that. No hard feelings… Jerks. Anyway, you guys are going to be surprised at the end of the chapter right? Maybe, who knows? Oh right me:D.

Disclaimer: I only own Kayne. We are one so it is usually a big no-no to kidnap. You can try Bruce, Alfred and etc. but I think little companies like Warner Bros. and DC comics might stop you so don’t.

Impatience is starting to become one of the main emotions Bruce felt since the two days after the incident. He would sit by her and stare at her unmoving back, rattling of questions. The questions changed from day to day but they mostly stuck to a theme. All of which went unanswered, well, verbally at least. The glare or two, maybe even a certain finger was the main answer if she didn’t like the particular question.

“Why did you do what you did at the pharmacy?”

No answer.

“Do you work for the Joker?”

This one always was answered with a glare. As if she was asking why would she even think about working for him? Bruce never read it though.

“What did you steal?”

No answer.

“Who did you steal it for?”

Her face would soften every time this was asked but he never saw it full on because she would turn her face away.

“Why did you steal it?’

No answer.

Other than the questions, Bruce turned the room inside out. He didn’t find any drugs, or things connecting her to the Joker. What he did find scared him. Under her bed might as well sign her only chance to not be considered a criminal away. He found stolen food and equipment along with a lot of other suspicious items.

In her drawers were not the things he thought would be there. Instead of clothes, makeup and school books, it is rock climbing equipment and locksmith tools. She had an array of books on hand-to-hand combat and armed fighting. Sheaths for things ranging from knifes, to swords, down to guns.

Bruce felt that it is starting to be no use to ask her directly. He would have to take a desperate measure he didn’t want to take. In fact, it hadn’t even crossed his mind until he practically begged her to tell the truth, that maybe this could be fixed.

She just looked at him, tears streaming down her face as she once again struggled against the bat-shaped cuffs.

Bruce had Alfred prepare the only thing he knew that might work to get her to talk. It is a rather extreme move but he found it necessary.

Truth serum, his own design that left the victim struggling with their mind, leaving them dry mouthed and ready to confess anything.

 Kayne knew what was at stake here. She honestly didn’t know what happened to Lily or the meds. She didn’t know the Joker or how Bruce got the idea that she did. She knew it was all a setup. She also knew that Bruce wouldn’t understand or believe her.

On third day, Bruce walks into her room quietly. He takes in her mood and position.

She’s lying on the bed almost as if she just gave up. Her left arm lay limp where it is attached to the bed. She is rolled into towards the bed with a right arm protectively placed around her. Her blanket had been kicked off once again. This time it looks like she kicked it out of her reach.

“Do you need help with that?” Bruce asks, pocketing the syringe out of sight. He gestures to the blanket on the floor while walking around to her side of the bed. She just stares daggers straight into his eyes. He knew she wasn’t going to reply because she hadn’t spoken to him in days; so when she spoke, it startles him.

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