Chapter 11: The Unexpected

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Chapter 11

A/N: Hey guys, this chapter is going to be complicated so listen closely my dearies. This chapter will mostly consist of flashbacks that happened between the last chapter and now.

Disclaimer: I don't own JOKER or BATMAN! Meh, ok? If I did I probably would still be here anyway and kind of old but who cares? Oh right, you guys do apparently. Although Kayne, the one you guys love, is mine so back off.

"What will he be armed with?" Kayne questions, leaning casually against the giant computer desk that stretched at least double her height. Bruce's fingers glide along the huge keyboard as he pulls up multiple files on the Joker.

"He has been known to use automatics, and semi's but his favorite weapon to use is a switchblade. When he has the time, he tends to carve people's faces to make it look like they are smiling." Bruce replies disgusted, tapping calmly on the computer.

Kayne looks confused, "So he carries something per say that looks like this?" She fumbles in her sweat pants that she had received from Alfred to change into. She also pulled on a tank top with wrist sweatbands.

In the pocket she pulls out an almost exact replica of the Joker's switch blade. The only difference made was hers is engraved with one solitary letter, K.


"Now, this needs to be quick and easy. Just cover all the exits and let Harls do the rest." A husky voice orders. The sound of understanding follows, along with the sharp clicks of a round being pushed in an automatic. "Also remember that the Wayne girl is left alone tonight, understand?" he growls, silencing the room again.

Mutters resonate throughout the warehouse that was hidden in plain sight but never suspected. " I sai-d do. you. understand!" He barks, anger rattling his already falsely insane voice. Quick answers of assurance were given despite the harsh metal weapons in their hands. "Good, or else you will just have to end up like this poor fellow, I mean just look at him." the man in obvious control rasps, gesturing to someone.

"Boss what are you talking about? Oh no, please god no! I have children, and a wife to feed! please I- Urgh!" the poor man was cut off by his own blood. The mutter of "Guess the wife is going to have to do it now." and the thud from the smiling bloody heap on the floor was enough to scare the men into order. All of them were swift in their assurance, promising no harm to that strange child.

"Good, we need her for later. Now someone pick up this mess, before I go crazy." the voice growls, edging off into silence. "Give me that." he mutters, ripping a gun out of someone's hands. The sound of him loading the ammo, along with scuffing from the body was the only sound heard in that warehouse.


"You know that's my knife and just because it looks 'familiar' to you doens't mean you can have it. Does it look like I walk in here and take your crap just because I like it? No!" Kayne yells, trying unsuccessfully to take the switchblade from Bruce's enclosed palm.

"Of course it means I can have it. Nothing is ever a coinicedence. Now sit down, you are only here so I can keep an eye on you personally." he remarks, placing the blade into a micro analyzer. Kayne tries to snatch it out off the screen but Wayne grabs her wrist and twists. She bites her lip and clamps her other hand on his, trying to peel it off.

"Stop." Bruce orders, throwing her hand away. She huffs, twisting around to kick the wall. Bruce once again, with once fluid motion snatches her ankles out of mid air.

"If I have to say stop one more time, you will regret it. I don't need any more problems from you." he hisses angrily. His arm twists, flipping Kayne over to land on the ground. She gasps, having the breathe knocked out of her. Despite it fire still flamed in her eyes, "Of course you blame this on me, all of it."

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