Chapter 4: Breakfast Chat*

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Remember if it has an asterisk I have recently 2022 edited it! Right around now, the chapters are NOT going to align properly.

Kaine was full force running down the huge city bridge that would take her to the mansion. She had decided a light jog wasn't going to work especially when cars started picking up on the road. Her breathing was steady but her feet were barely touching the ground as she sped across the bridge. She was making good time across the bridge now but she knew that with each passing car, the more suspicious she would be. Her thoughts were only confirmed when the next vehicle drove past her.

A souped up motorcycle had sped past her when she was almost just to the end of the long bridge. It slowed and the rider glanced back at her but she immediately dodged into the forest. Were they wearing a cape or, maybe a coat? Kaine thinks as she glances behind her shoulder in curiosity. With a shake of her head, she sprinted through the forest.

Her shortcut through the forest left her with a lot of nicks across her cheeks where her mask didn't quite cover her face. She stared up at the window in thought as she brushed some of the hair that escaped her bun out of her face. The smaller wounds were already starting to close across her cheeks. The window was still propped open but she didn't see much of an option climbing other than climbing up carefully and hoping she could shimmy back through it.

Luckily for her, the wall underneath her room was cobblestone so it wasn't completely impossible to find purchase in the wall. She tested it a little bit before flinging her now much lighter backpack off one shoulder so it would be easier to throw into the room before her.

With a puff of air to blow her hair out of her eyes, she starts her climb up. The hardest part was going to be pulling herself up to balance along the glass panes. Kaine calculated the distance to the window from the cobblestone before throwing her foot up to hold herself stable. With all her might she throws her left arm to grab the ledge of the window. A sigh of relief escapes her lips as she uses her right arm to throw her back pack into the room.

Once the backpack hit the floor in the room, all it took was getting her other hand on the ledge and sucking it in to shimmy herself in head first. That being said, it wasn't graceful of her when she fell into the room face first. Kaine groans as she rolls over onto her back, her legs still just barely dangling over the window ledge. She lays there lazily for a few seconds, draping her hoodie sleeve over her eyes before she heaves herself up into a sitting position.

Her gloved hand grabs her backpack and slides it under her bed around ten feet away. It disappeared under the bed skirt with no issue. Kaine stretches her body up to try and release the tightened muscles in her back before she lazily cartwheels up onto her feet.

The clock downstairs rings five tolls across Wayne Manor. Kaine shuffles to her dresser and starts plucking out some pajamas. A spare white Hanes shirt that she drowned in and volleyball shorts were all she needed for today. She didn't have much more clothes to choose from but she didn't quite know what a million billion jillionaire's foster daughter was supposed to wear. With her clothes in hand, she shuffles to the shower.

It felt good to release her hair from her bun. While combing her fingers through her hair, she plucks out a leaf in disgust. A quick change of clothes had her feeling much better but the tightness in her chest stayed even when she tried to relax into her real bed. Her thoughts raced as she tried to piece together what exactly she would need for Pam. It would be a lot and hard to get all at once. Pharmacies ordered medicines to prescriptions. It was common enough to nick an inhaler that wasn't already prescribed to someone. But the exact asthmatic medicine inhaler would be the hard part.

Then her thoughts wandered to the harder part of heart damage for a toddler. She groaned and rubbed her eyes in exhaustion. Kaine was very aware her stomach was empty. It gurgled as she tried to think of more options. Her hand settled on her stomach and she shushed it when it let out a particularly loud rumble.

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