Chapter 17: Painful Confession

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 A/N: I am going to try and update quickly but that may not happen. Excuse my crappy updating skills.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Batman, it owns me. So does Kayne, because she is me.

Days passed in a bit of a blur. A schedule had been made and set in a loose stone. After the first few days of experimenting on what needs to be where, Bruce found out he couldn’t really leave Kayne side. It wasn’t Kayne’s choice although she didn’t complain. He normally only left to change clothes inside the bathroom, and to spit shower in the sink which Kayne found just a little disgusting. Kayne only asked once if he wanted to go home to shower to which he only replied with he had showered in worse conditions.

Along with the bathroom breaks, Bruce only left to bring food from the cafeteria in the morning before Kayne woke up. The doctors must have been born with an infinite amount of patience. The rules they bent for this family, not for the money but because of the degree of the patient’s injuries, was a considerable amount.

For one, Bruce wasn’t supposed to select what she ate let alone feed her but they let it slide.

So Bruce would wake up early in the morning on the couch that they moved into the room from the ICU waiting room. Then he would walk down stairs and buy breakfast for both him and Kayne, mostly Kayne though. After that he would walk upstairs and greet a now-awake Kayne. They would pour each other cereal from milk cartons, and poke at the supposed bacon.  Bruce would force Kayne to eat at least something healthy, to which Kayne would argue fiercely over until Bruce just gave her the look.

Once Kayne would stop playing with the remnants of her food, around mid-morning, she would get her morning checkup. It would be the first thing her morning shift doctor would do. The male doctor would check Kayne heartbeat, and stitching. He would change her bandages on her hands which were healing nicely. He then would check one her fractured ribs which were also healing nicely.

After making sure she was ok he would bring in the physical therapy doctor. It would always start simple with the stretching and bending of her legs. They both would do simple exercises together. Kayne slowly began to like the lady that helped her with her leg. She never yelled, or raised her voice. She also never talked down to Kayne or gave her funny looks for her skin. If anything she never batted an eye at meeting Kayne, just a nice smile and reassurance the whole way.

Kayne actually felt bad that she threw a big enough tantrum that it took four doctors and Bruce to calm her down when they pulled the needles out for acupuncture. The doctor didn’t leave her.

Another rule was bent and Bruce was allowed to stay during the therapy, especially after introducing shock therapy.

After a while Kayne started getting slightly cranky just by being in the hospital. Bruce started to think somewhere; somehow Kayne was literally his daughter because she started acting like he did when he stayed in the hospital too long. She became sarcastic to any of the staff that didn’t attend to her daily or that she trust. She refused to eat if it wasn’t Bruce who brought her food. Basically she became a little child. That is why the schedule became what it was, not to keep Kayne regular but to keep the staff sane.

But of course, Kayne being his real daughter would be impossible however Bruce still liked to think about it.

After the therapy, lunch time would come and Bruce would go to the cafeteria again. He would phone Alfred every day while in line for food. They would chat and talk about some new big project that Bruce was thinking about green lighting. It was the reason why Alfred was away. Lucius needed his help and Bruce didn’t want to leave the hospital. He would finish chatting after he left the cafeteria and go back up to Kayne.

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