Chapter 12: Counter-clockwise

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  • Dedicated to Heath Ledger

Chapter 12

A/N: You know what’s sad? That this story only has about 6 more chapter left, give or take. I know how it will end and everything. Do you guys want a sequel?

Disclaimer: I own none of Bob Kane’s creation and give it up all to Warner Brothers and DC Comics. Kayne, now and forever, will be mine. So hands off of my property and we won’t need to pull out the shotgun ;)

“Kayne… Kayne, you answer me this instance!” Bruce orders desperately. A dropping feeling entered his chest.

He had watched Kayne enter the kitchen, still whining about fish. Through the window he saw her disappear into the kitchen. Shortly afterwards, her screaming his name ripped through his mind. He quickly ripped the earphone out, while trying to move towards the kitchen door. His sights aligned with the window as he places the ear phone back in his ear, screaming for her to answer him.

That’s when he heard her whispering about how he was here, somewhere. Bruce watches as someone obscured from the windows view grabs Kayne. Her muffled screams fuel on his push to get to the kitchen. Suddenly laughter and feedback collide with his ear. He yanks the com out of his ear and throws it in a plant.

He slams into the kitchen door and looks around ignoring the dead staff. He runs out of the kitchen for his suit. He must save Kayne.

Back in the ballroom, a woman dressed in a beautiful red and black quinnade dress, kicks aside a chair. Her long heels chip some of the chair leg off with not much effort from her. She elegantly stands on the chair, and then crushes glass when stepping onto the table. Her blonde pigtails tainted with some red swung side to side with each step. Giggling, she kicks off the plant in the center of table.

Almost everyone’s attention is on her. To make sure absolutely everyone’s attention was on her, she lifts up her skirt. An AK-47 is strapped to her thigh. With a giggle of anticipation, she pulls it off her thigh and empties the clip of ammo into the sky.

The loud, rupture of the bullets cause everyone to clap their hands to their heads in pain. “Now that I got your attention, listen up! No leaving, screaming or fightin’ against us! We can make this quick and easy or hard and painful. Your choice…” She yells, her high pitched Brooklyn heard over the terrible silence.

When nobody did anything, her blue eyes sparkled; pleased everything is going as planned. “Good, now empty all bits and pieces demand valuable or shiny in those bags ova’ there.” She orders, gesturing with her gun to the men with clown masks on, bags in hand.

She safeties the gun, empting the clip, and loading more ammo in the clip before sliding the arm to load it.

People were slowly getting up and taking off their jewelry. Harley’s sparkling eyes graze the crowds and stop on a man’s. “Hey oldie, yeah, you!” She greets rudely, pointing the gun in the man’s direction to signal him. The poor man quakes in his shoes when she nodded at his assurance of who she was talking about.

“Yeah, let me see that watch.” She huffs, gracefully slouching down on the table to sit, letting one of her legs dangle on the edge while hiking up the other to balance herself. Her armed hand sat relaxed on her dangling leg. This position nearly gave the poor man a heart attack with Harley’s legs spread like they were.

He carefully walks towards her, holding his arm up for her inspection. She roughly grabs his hand while licking her teeth in thought. “I like it. It looks like gold and silver diamond incrusted watch. I’ll take that, thank you.”  She smirks, flicking the watch head having it magically fall off.

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