[Renjun] Day 1 - It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

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Genre: Fluff

TW: None

Word Count: 0.8K

Tossing and turning in bed, Renjun was slowly being awoken by the loud music just outside the shared bedroom

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Tossing and turning in bed, Renjun was slowly being awoken by the loud music just outside the shared bedroom. He grabbed your pillow and covered his ears with it, scrunching his eyebrows and pulling the covers over him. But, the music was relentless. He removed the pillow and sat up straight, looking at the door that was left only slightly open. He knew what was going on as soon as he heard the beginning of the Christmas song. He moved out of bed and into the main room, seeing you surrounded by boxes and tinsel.

"Now how'd you get in this mess?" He asks.

"Well good morning to you too, Jun!" Your expression was bright while you fished out more Christmas decor.

"It's December First?!"

"Much too late to start decorating, grab that box next to you and help me decorate the tree!" It was now he noticed the huge Christmas tree behind you, and how it got there he didn't know, but the chaotic festiveness the main room was in sent his head spiraling.

"How long have you been decorating?"

"Since six in the morning!" Renjun checks the time on his phone. It's nine in the morning.

"Okay, you start the tree, let me clean up here a little," he grabbed the stray ornaments that had rolled away from you and started placing them in their respective bins. You did as he said, choosing a proper motif for the tree and setting the corresponding boxes aside. Meanwhile, he picked up various decors that had been removed from their boxes and strewn across the floors. Every he looked was Christmas-ified and he wondered how you'd even maneuvered around with the sheer number of boxes everywhere. He fixed the festive throw blanket on the couch before arranging the pillows in a much neater fashion. He placed a music box that played various carols on the table next to it and rolled the table runner over the coffee table. "Do we still have those candles your mom gave us?"

"Yeah, it's in that box over there," you pointed to the door. He walked over to it, sneaking a glance outside. From your city apartment, he could see how decked out the city had gotten. He could probably count two or three Christmas trees from where he stood and the tangles of Christmas lights seemed like they could stretch around the world twice. He pulled out the candles, placing them in the center.

"Think we can get away with outdoor decorations this year?"

"I'll ask my landlord, but the family next door did it so maybe we can too!" You smiled. Renjun walked to the tree, grabbing the stool and tinsel on the way. "Ooh, I was just going to ask you to do that!"

"Best I do it before you hurt yourself," he says, looking at the broken ornaments you'd quickly brushed to the side. He wraps the tinsel around the tree, being careful to not knock over any other ornaments.



"Do you have time to go holiday shopping with me?" You finished putting on the last of the ornaments.

"I'll check my schedule," he says. "But I should be, I have today and tomorrow off."

"Perfect! There's this really nice Christmas tree at the mall that I wanted to take pictures at with you!"

"Ah, so this is for your Instagram."

"It's duo purpose, love. I have to maintain my meticulously crafted Instagram to keep up with yours, you know!" You said in a light tone. "Plus, I'd love to spend the holidays with my boyfriend for once, ya know? I usually do all this alone," you hummed. Renjun's smile faltered for a brief moment. It was true, he was usually drowning in schedules by now, but he lucked out in being able to relax a little more this year.

"Well, we have two days, so let's make the most of it then! Let's see this Christmas Tree you're talking about," he says with a soft smile. Your eyes lit up.

"Ah! Yes! Let me go get ready first and we'll head over!" You practically jumped up.

"Wait, (Y/N), be-" you tripped over one of the boxes, "-careful..."

"I'm alright! I'm okay! Ten minutes, Jun!"

"Well, I have to get ready too, you know," he moves over the box you tripped over, soon following you into the room to get ready. He'd have to talk to his manager into letting him take at least Christmas Eve off, he had a feeling that this year was going to be a special one.

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