[Winwin] Day 5 - Santa Claus is Coming to Town

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Genre: Fluff

TW: None

Word Count: 0.8K


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"Are you not afraid of Santa Claus?!" You asked him, disbelief clear in your voice. Sicheng just drinks more of his boba and shakes his head.

"He's not real," Sicheng reasons. Of all the things he expected to happen at this date, discussing the ethics of Santa Claus was far off from anything he had expected. Nor did he realize you'd be so passionate about this topic. Although, he did find it oddly endearing how into the conversation you were. It had started out simply with a Santa-themed frosted cookie, and it has since evolved into this.

"And if he is, then he just knows everything about us and we just let him. Sicheng he knows when we're sleeping and when we're awake this man is a stalker," you reasoned.

"Something tells me this is more personal than you're letting on," Sicheng leans back on his chair.

"When I was eight our house was robbed by a man dressed as Santa Claus."

"Oh my god, you never told me that," Sicheng gasps. And he was most definitely not expecting that.

"But, seriously, just think about it, Sicheng. What are we teaching our kids by telling them about Santa?" An amused smile rose on his face.

"Do tell," he leans forward now, interested in how you're going to spin this.

The relationship is still fairly new. Having met each other on set for his new drama, you had piqued his interest after having an argument with the producer on how to properly frame him in a shot. He wouldn't really call it love at first sight, more like a "you're interesting, let's talk more" kind of vibe. One thing led to another and you agreed to see each other on a more serious level.

"I'm just saying that telling young and impressionable children that an old man is watching their every move and judging them based off of whether they've been good or bad is inherently problematic. What if they meet a bad person who claims he's Santa Claus? It's just a recipe for disaster," you complained.

"So you never got presents from Santa?"

"My parents always came clean to me that the gifts were from them," you continued. "I don't know, it's honestly probably just trauma from when I was eight."

"No, no, you have a point! I think I was maybe nine or ten when I realized 'huh, Santa Claus is really weird'," Sicheng laughs. "He literally breaks into people's houses and expects you to feed him milk and cookies."

"We are so on the naughty list," you laughed and drank more of your tea. "But yes, exactly. I don't know," you grabbed the cookie and bit into it. "This is a really good cookie though," you broke a piece off and handed it to Sicheng. He takes it.

"But, to answer your question. No, I'm not afraid of a shape-shifting old man who gives gifts to good kids and coal to bad ones. I'm just slightly weirded out by it," he eats the piece in one bite. It was a bit too sugary for his taste, and the frosting was much too sweet, but it wasn't horrible. "Do you at least like the elves?"

"No, they're complacent and allow Santa to order them around." That was oddly specific.

"What about the reindeer?"

"... They're okay."

"I knew it," Sicheng grins while he crosses his arms. "Note taken, no Santa and Elf themed Christmas decor or gifts. Reindeer only," he says, looking off as if trying to engrain it into his mind.

"Yes! Wait, are you staying for Christmas?" You placed your cup down, you were practically on the edge of your seat waiting for his response. Earlier that week he and you had discussed the possibility of a long-distance relationship what with Sicheng possibly flying back to Korea for NCT work and you staying in China to finish your production internship. You'd made peace with it, having made a deal to trust in each other, but Sicheng had a feeling that you were disappointed to hear that he'd be out through Christmas. Not to mention the whole fact that the relationship was new, it'd put too much stress on it.

Plus... he really likes you.

"Yes, turns out the company decided to go through with my request to focus on my acting career, so looks like we're stuck together a little longer, I hope you don't mind," he leans against the table and holds his hand out. You take it and shake it excitedly.

He could already tell that this Christmas was going to be a special one.

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