[Shotaro] Day 10 - Silver Bells

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Genre: Fluff

TW: None

Word Count: 0.7K

"Ah, Shotaro! Look at this!" At your voice, Shotaro's ears perked up and he walked over to you

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"Ah, Shotaro! Look at this!" At your voice, Shotaro's ears perked up and he walked over to you. "Aren't they adorable?" You pointed at the bunnies hopping around the enclosure.

Both of you were currently walking around an outdoor shopping center, Shotaro was lucky enough to have more free time than most of his bandmates around this year, and decided to take you out on a date before his schedules picked up. Though this truly had duo meaning. Sure, he gets to spend time with his lovely partner, but he's also keeping a watchful eye out for things that may catch your eye.

With all the best intentions, he wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls your beanie down further.


"It's cold out! Wouldn't want you to get sick," he laughs. You joined him in this small moment. With people walking around you and children exclaiming and pointing out things they want on their Christmas lists, it was truly a joyous time.

Shotaro loved this time of year, when hopes were high and when friends and family came together. Truthfully, after moving to Korea, Shotaro had only been speaking to his family through video call and even with that it happened sparingly. He felt pangs of homesickness every so now and then, but after meeting you? Everything changed. Sure, he still missed home every now and then, but whenever he was at your side, it was like he'd never left. He loves feeling comfortable with you, and he hopes you feel the same.

You'd only met recently, you worked as an intern to the producers, and he was obviously the idol who worked with those producers. As soon as he found out you understood Japanese it was like a relief to him. Soon, helping him translate things turned into a friendship, and after a year of knowing each other, the relationship began. He had introduced you to his parents long before, telling them that he made a good friend in Korea, and it was with their blessing later that the relationship really took off.

Although, and perhaps this is strange, he didn't feel the rush he had felt before in other relationships. It was nothing like the dramas he'd watched, it was nothing like the fast-paced ones in animes, no, he just felt comfortable. He felt comfortable telling you stories and telling you his worries. Whenever he was with you, there was this warmth in his chest that easily fought off the cold around him.

"Shotaro! Close your eyes," you suddenly told him. He obliged easily. You placed something in his hands. "Okay, you can see it now." He opened them and looked down at the box in his hands. It was small, no bigger than his palm, and it was rather lightweight. "Your parents sent it to me, I forgot to give you yours last time I saw you, so now will have to do." Shotaro only nodded and opened the box. Inside of it was a silver bell. You rang one in your hand. "I have one too! They said that they thought of us when they saw it at the shop."

"Ah, I see," he took the small bell out. "I guess it's more of just a charm, huh?"

"Yup, I put mine on my bracelet chain, how about you?"

"Maybe a keychain then," Shotaro hums. Again, he starts to lead you down the sidewalk, the windowshopping resuming. "Say, (Y/N)."

"What's up?"

"What do you want to do for Christmas?"

"Hm..." you hummed quietly. "I guess anything's fine, really. We can stay indoors and watch movies, or we could go out for dinner, whichever you think is best."

"Those both sound fun," Shotaro smiles. He keeps them noted at the back of his head.

"Oh! Can I go in here really quick? I think I remembered they had a sale going on!"

"Sure, I'll wait out here," Shotaro nods, he watches you run inside.

He really didn't know what it was, but he could tell that this Christmas was going to be much more special.

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