[Chenle] Day 22 - Sleigh Ride

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Genre: Fluff

TW: None

Word Count: 0.5K

"This isn't a good idea," you tried to tug Chenle back, but he responded by tugging you forward

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"This isn't a good idea," you tried to tug Chenle back, but he responded by tugging you forward.

"Trust me, (Y/N), I'm an expert."

"Chenle, you're carrying a bin lid and telling me it's the perfect sled substitute," you reasoned.

"Actually, I'm carrying two bin lids," he teases you. "Don't worry! I've been sledding with these since I was six!" He leads you to the top of the snow pile that had resulted after many heavy snows and the clearing out of driveways. It was currently early in the morning, long before the sun will rise, and you both stood outside his home. The cold nipped at his nose, but he was certain that the adrenaline soon to come would be enough to warm him up. "Come on! We used to do this all the time!"

"Yeah, when we were six, Chenle," you took the other lid anyway, climbing up the slope and standing at the top with him. Back when you were younger, either you or him would go to each other's houses to go sledding similarly to how you were doing now. Then time passed and you both got older, he moved to Korea and you stayed behind. Through some stroke of luck, and an internship in SM Ent., your paths crossed again and old feelings were rekindled. Leading you both to now. Chenle was determined to relive some old memories and you just wanted to spend time with an old friend turned partner.

"What's the difference now?"

"We're probably much heavier now for one," you followed his movements despite debating. Soon you were both situated on the unstable lids and all it would take is one push to send you both down the small slope.

"Perfect, more momentum," he pushes you first. You, taken by surprise, grip onto the sides of the lid while it spun. "Wait for me!" He kicks off and the make-shift sled starts it's rapid descent down the slope, his screams mixing with yours. Then, ultimately, you both crashed into the parallel fence, the force knocking both of you off your poorly supported sleds and into the snow. Chenle rolled into the tree and slowly moved up as the world spun.

"Chenle, watch out!" You pointed above him and, within seconds, the snow on the branches fell off and landed on and around him.

"It's cold!"

"I know! Hold on," you stumbled to pick up the now broken lid and started shoveling the snow off of him. "Ew, I think I got snow in my jacket," you shivered.

"I think I got snow where snow's not supposed to be," Chenle chatters.

"Ew, Chenle," you paused momentarily to laugh and Chenle starts brushing snow off of him. "Maybe we should go sledding in the mountains once you're off," you said between chuckles.

"Agreed, maybe we could go even faster."

"I was thinking more on the safe side, but that works too!" You brushed the snow out of his hair. "And maybe we'll wear more sled-appropriate clothes aside from our pajamas," you continued with a smile.

"Good thing my next day off is Christmas then," he says. "You'd better get ready, this year is going to be special."

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