[Taeyong] Day 4 - Winter Wonderland

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Genre: Fluff

TW: None

Word Count: 0.8K

The sound of sleigh bells filled the area, combined with chattering conversations and excited screams, Taeyong knew that the Christmas season had officially descended onto the population

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The sound of sleigh bells filled the area, combined with chattering conversations and excited screams, Taeyong knew that the Christmas season had officially descended onto the population.

If there was one thing Taeyong could always do, it was to take you on the most spectacular of dates. Whether this is through a yacht dinner or a simple puzzle night, it was never a dull date night with him.

And today was no exception. Taeyong had this planned for weeks now. He's had the tickets to the holiday light festival for months and even more things planned. He's had the itinerary and schedule memorized since he started planning it and...


Good god.

He nearly lost the grip on the bouquet of flowers in his hands. You jogged up to him and smiled. He'll never be able to grow tired of that, you're just so perfect.

"Are these for me?"



"Yes! I mean yes!" Taeyong places them in your hands and shakes the nerves off.

"Taeyong, how long have we been together now? Still get butterflies?" He could only nod. You had no idea how much your presence alone sent him both in a stuttering and awkward demeanor whilst simultaneously being his greatest comfort. You were special to him in that way. "Good, I thought it was only me," you laced your hand with his and made your way towards the entrance. "So tell me a little more about this place, it looks so cute!"

"Ah, it's called Winter Wonderland," Taeyong says after taking a deep breath. He removes his hand from yours and instead wraps it around your waist. "At night there's a really nice light show that I think you'd enjoy," he says. You leaned your head towards his shoulder and Taeyong suddenly found it harder to breathe steadily.

"Ooh! Let's grab some hot chocolate while we look at the exhibits!" You redirected him towards a coffee truck. Taeyong followed closely behind you while you ordered two for the road. Before you could slip your card into the reader, Taeyong reached from behind you and beat you to it.

"It's on me today! I asked you out, after all," he says. The vendor hands you the drinks and you continue on your way.

"Ooh! Taeyong let's do a few of the activities too," you pointed to the fair board and you both made a quick pit stop to read through it. "Hm... snowmen building, fireside pastries, snowflake making, wow, there's a lot of options," you read down the list.

"It won't hurt to try all of them," he says. "Have the full experience?"

"Sure! As long as I'm with you, I'm good with anything," you smiled. As long as you were with him, he liked the way that sounded.

And so began the event-packed day. The first stop was the snowmen, a rather simplistic task save for your sudden urge to make the biggest snowman in the lot, something which was miraculously pulled off. Next was the snowflake crafts, which consisted of simple paper folding and cutting techniques to create elaborate designs. Then, and how could he deny this, the winter garden. A perfect picturesque area filled with life and color. You'd jokingly told him to get your good side and, well, what side isn't your good side? Best to just take a video and circle around you then.

Finally, after maneuvering around the entire fair and with an hour left before the famed Holiday Light Show, you both found yourselves situated in a small cabin-themed café. You both seated yourselves at the open chairs and scanned the QR for the menu.

"Hm, something sweet sounds good right now," you scanned through the menu carefully.

"Maybe a danish then? I think you'd like the cranberry ones," Taeyong spots the pastry near the bottom of the list.

"It does sound delicious," you nodded. "How about you?"

"I'll get the-" he looks up at you. The fireside glow seemed to frame your face just right. He swallowed down his words.

"I know I'm breathtaking, Yong, but if you stare like that I'll get embarrassed," you laughed quietly and Taeyong shook himself out of his daydream.

"You're right about that. I think I'll just have their cookie platter," he says. "So how do we order?"

"And sent and paid," you tapped the pay button on your screen and placed your phone down.

"Hey! I'm supposed to be treating you out!"

"And I owe you a celebration for a successful album!" You reasoned. "Come on, let me treat you too! We can spoil each other," you bargained. Taeyong released a soft breath.

You really were the person he loved the most in this world, weren't you?

He could tell that this Christmas was about to be very special.

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