[Sungchan] Day 19 - Jingle Bells

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Genre: Fluff

TW: None

Word Count: 0.9K


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"And... done!" You finished touching up Sungchan's makeup and turned him around to the mirror. "You're all ready to go, Mr. MC!" You shot him a thumbs up and Sungchan smiles.

"Wah, you always know exactly how to style me," he speaks with awe in his voice. "Thanks, (Y/N)," he nods.

It was true, you were always the first person he looked for when it came to styling, you always had the right ideas in mind. Be that because you'd been dating since long before his debut or that you were just that talented a stylist, and he truly believes that it's both, he'd always be grateful. You were always helping him out, from encouraging him to stick with training to styling him now, he needed to pay you back somehow.

"Of course! We have to make sure you look great for the tiktok challenges," you patted down a few of his stray hairs. "But, for the record, I think you always look great," you winked and patted his shoulders. "Well, I'm going to head over to the NCT U room-"

"(Y/N)!" Shotaro runs into the room. "Perfect timing, can you touch up my makeup too?" He asks with pleading eyes.

"Oh, yeah! Of course, sit over there," you pointed towards the open chair and pushed your cart towards him.

Plan start.

"Well, (Y/N), I'm going to go film a few Universe tiktoks," Sungchan stands up quickly and you look over your shoulder.

"Have fun!" You waved at him while he stiffly walked out.

'Relax, Sungchan,' he thought to himself. He turns quickly into the NCT U room.

"You, you owe me," Haechan holds up a warning finger and Sungchan swallows nervously. He looks forward at the set up, seeing the wonderful display of bells and ribbons. Off to the side of the structure was Xiaojun, the self-proclaimed expert who put himself in charge of decorating. Behind him was Yangyang, who held onto a box of more bells.

"Uh... Xiaojun hyung," Sungchan places a cautionary hand on Xiaojun's shoulder. "I think that's enough bells."

"Nonsense, there's still open areas around the wreath," he mutters, completely focused on tying a pair of bells onto the chosen branch.

Sungchan's plan was simple, he was finally going to give you a promise ring. He had been planning on it for a while now, since you'd both somehow ended up binging Disney Weddings on Disney Plus and you talked about how sweet it was to be so in love. The idea of engagement was far in the future, he understood, but this would be the next best thing. Doing it in the Inkigayo studio was already questionable enough, but tightening schedules left him no choice. Yangyang reached over to grab his phone from the counter.

"Mark hyung, come hold this box for me, Shotaro's almost done so I'll fill in for him," Yangyang calls over the senior, who was holding on to a few stage props from earlier.

"Oh, sure, gotcha," Mark placed them down and walked over to Yangyang. Soon, the younger member was off and Shotaro walked into the room.

"We've got about five more minutes, you ready, Sungchan?" He nudges his friend.

"Yup, ready, definitely ready," Sungchan nodded and took deep breaths. Everything was set. After a few wishes of good luck and a few teases here and there, Sungchan was the last person in the room.

Setting? Check. Ambiance? Check-ish. Proposal? Check, he hopes.

So why did he feel like he was forgetting something?

You entered the room, surprised to see the area decorated nicely. You spotted Sungchan.

"Ah, were you about to film? Where's everyone?" You asked while you walked towards him.

"Uh, about that, (Y/N)," Sungchan's eyes shift away briefly before meeting yours again. "(Y/N), we've been together for a while, and I know it's hard right now because of schedules so..." he reaches into his pocket. Then, horror flashes through his features.

It was empty.

He quickly checks the other pocket and, surprise surprise, it was empty too. He did a quick patdown of his outfit and sure enough...

He forgot the ring.


"Um... (Y/N), so I was supposed to give you something very important today, but instead we're going to..." he looks around, spotting the bells on the wreath. He takes it off and places one in your hands. He's going to have to figure something out, he got this far. "I feel like I can always find you, I can rely on you like the ringing bells of a clock tower, so, for now, please take this promise bell," He smiles. It falters slightly when you look down at it then to him. Within a few seconds, you take another bell from the wreath.

"Well, then, it makes more sense for each of us to have one, right?" You nodded and held the bell up. "Shall we ring it together?" You blinked. "Pun not intended."

"Aha! Yes, yes we should," Sungchan laughs. You both rang the bells at the same time. "Then we made our promise!"

"Promise sealed!" You confirmed.

"I'm sorry it's not a ring, though..."

"What for? This feels so much cuter," you reassured him. "It's unconventional, and, plus, I can't really wear rings when I'm styling you guys," you laughed. "I'll tie this on my bag instead."

"Then I'll find a way to wear mine on stage!"

"There we go! I bet we could attach it to your belt," you stood back and began brainstorming.

Well, he could always give you the ring on Christmas anyway, he's certain that would make it much more special.

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