[Yuta] Day 16 - It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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Genre: Fluff

TW: None

Word Count: 0.8K

'Okay, Yuta, it's not rocket science

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'Okay, Yuta, it's not rocket science.' The man stood outside the café, bouquet of flowers behind his back and outfit, if he may be overbearingly confident just this one, rather on point. He's probably done and re-done his hair dozens of times before just showing up. Today was nothing short of a special one. December sixteenth of the year 2021, this day marked the third anniversary with his very special partner.

"Yuta! Sorry I'm late," you waved your hand as your legs picked up their speed. And look at you go! Red scarf wrapped securely around you and a cozy white beanie, you looked ready to take on the world with him. As soon as you were within an arm's reach, he grasped your hand and spun you around once, all the while you smiled and laughed along with him. What a gracious melody it was, to hear and see your joy. "Miss me much?"

"I miss you even when you're in front of me," he recites.

"Is that... is that the line Jaemin made Xiaojun say?"

"Uh..." whoops. "Yeah."

"It's a sweet line," you admitted. "Shall we go inside? I'm freezing."

"You're cold?" Yuta asks with the slight shake of his head. "That's strange, just seeing you has me burning up."

"Oh my god," you cringed only slightly while you laughed. "You're so weird today, something good happen at work?" Oh yeah, you have no idea. Yuta held open the door for you while he answered.

"Something like that," once you ducked inside, he followed quickly. The café was filled with Christmas decor. With a tree off to the corner, minimalistic reindeer decor on the tables, and appropriately themed holiday table runners, it was hard not to be in a good mood. Even the staff had small parts on their uniform that celebrated the holidays. "How about you? How was work?"

"Busy as always," you sighed while automatically walking to the booth the two often frequented. Yuta didn't miss the slight bounce in your step as you did so, something that he was rather curious about. Perhaps you had good news for him too? He couldn't wait to hear it. "What shall we have today?" You asked as you both sat down.

"Actually, I got something for us earlier, it should be coming out soon," he says. True to his words, the waitress placed two mugs of hot chocolate on the table. This, of course, was far from the actual surprise he had planned, but it was merely a beginning. You slipped your gloves off and wrapped them around the ceramic mug, allowing for it to cool your fingertips.

"Ooh, I'm excited, you always seem to have something up your sleeves, should I prepare myself?" You asked with a knowing tone. It's true, for previous anniversaries Yuta had always done his best to be sure you'd be blown away each time. On your first anniversary he wrote you a song, on your second he surprised you with customized promise rings, and for your third...

"You'll just have to wait and see," he has his own knowing grin, and from this he could see the excitement glint in your eyes. You're going to love it, he's certainly sure of it. Then, the surprise is served. One cake with two halves composed of yours and his favorites respectively. Written on it was a simple message-

"Ooh, I love this flavor!" You took a bite out of the cake, promptly interrupting his thoughts.

"Uh, right, yes, but about the cake..."

"Hm?" You took another bite. "It's good, you should try it before I finish it."

"Wait, maybe you should read what's on the cake," Yuta swallows down a nervous sound. You looked at him with slight confusion before doing so. Your face changed from confusion, to concentration, and finally to realization.

"Wait, Yuta, are you serious?" You looked at him, then to the cake, and back to him. Yuta just nodded, grabbing the knife off to the side and cutting the cake in half. He was worried that if you kept cutting away at the cake you'd cut right through the surprise or, and this was so much worse, eat it. Regardless, he was able to stop you before it could happen. Hidden perfectly between the two halves and wrapped in plastic were two plane tickets to Japan.

"Let me take you home for the holidays," he repeats what was written on the cake. Slowly, you nodded your head and he felt his heart soar.

Truly, this would make for a special holiday season.

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