[Mark] Day 9 - All I Want for Christmas is You

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Genre: Fluff

TW: None

Word Count: 0.7K

Mark was practically running around the company at this point

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Mark was practically running around the company at this point. He has to be here to record for 127, he has to be there to film with Dream, and he has to move to the other building for U, to say he was exhausted was more of an understatement. With 2021 preparations underway, Mark had been busier than ever. Not that he hated it, he liked the feeling of working, a true workaholic, because he didn't want to waste time at the company.

But, there was a different motive this go around.

"Hyung, I'm serious, you really have no idea," Mark's face basically radiated the amount of defeat he felt.

"Mark, (Y/N)'s is your partner, not mine," Johnny raises his hands. "You'd know better than I do."

"But (Y/N) has just been saying to get whatever for Christmas, dude, like... I don't want to get something random, you know?"

"I dunno, Mark, just go simple. You're already running around to finish your schedules early, and to be honest I don't really think that (Y/N)'d appreciate you working overtime, just buy the first thing that comes to mind."

"Okay, okay, yeah, I can do that," Mark sighs.

Yup, he's been running around asking the guys what to get you for Christmas. It was true, you had told him that anything would be nice, and you weren't the kind to just outright say 'oh, I want this' or 'oh, that would be nice' and usually Mark appreciated this but whenever the holidays rolled around it would just be stress. He'd been asking around since you two were usually conjoined at the hip and, at least to his knowledge, the other group members were rather fond of you too.

"Do you think they'd appreciate like... a bracelet?"

"As long as you don't give your signature bracelet, yeah."

"What's wrong with my signature bracelet?"

"It's a little narcissistic," Johnny grimaces.

"Mark, I heard you're going around asking what to get (Y/N)," Yuta joins in on the conversation. "I may or may not know." Mark felt relief wash over him and he grabbed Yuta's shoulders.

"Tell me."

"I'll take you there," Yuta nods. Mark smiles.

"Good luck, Mark! Tell (Y/N) I said 'hi'!" Johnny says.

"Got it," Mark nods then turns to Yuta. "Thanks, man, I really owe you one."

"Yeah, yeah, anything for my favorite member," he playfully ruffles Mark's hair while he leads him away.

Mark was fully expecting Yuta to take him to the mall, or maybe a smaller store somewhere else.

He was not, however, expecting Yuta to drop him off at your apartment.

"Mark, I talked to the manager and they're appealing the holiday season off for you, they said you'd been working hard enough," Yuta says right as Mark closes the car door. "Good luck, break a leg, you got this," Yuta called from the opened window. He drove off before Mark could say anything more. Mark stood dumbfounded for a moment before he finally shook it off. He walked up to your unit and took a deep breath. Before he could knock, you opened the door.

"Hey, Mark," you greeted him.

"Hi, (Y/N)," he says. "Uh... So... Yuta told me he knew what you wanted for Christmas, then he just dropped me off here so..."

"Mark, seriously?" You laughed. "Get in here, it's cold outside," you stepped aside and pulled him in. Mark looked around, nothing has changed aside from the sparse Christmas decor.

"So... what did you want for Christmas?" He asks. You smiled softly and Mark's felt his face heat up.

"Mark! All I want for Christmas is you!" You said. Immediately, you turned away in embarrassment. "Oh god, that sounded so much better in my head."

"What? Wait, for real?" Mark pointed at his chest. "Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously!"

"Oh! Oh," Mark's eyes slowly widened with realization. "That's goof, I just got the holidays off."

"You did? That's amazing! How'd you do it?" You asked.

"Oh, uh... Yuta did it for me."

"Huh, and Yuta was the one who kept texting me about what I wanted for Christmas, I thought you put him up to it."

"Nah..." Mark shook his head. Soon, both of your phones received a text. As expected, it was from the older member.

'You're both so dense. Just enjoy the holiday season already!'

Huh, looks like this Christmas was going to be a special one.

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