[Kun] Day 21 - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

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Genre: Fluff

TW: None

Word Count: 0.6K

Kun was a very intuitive person

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Kun was a very intuitive person. So when your daughter ran up to him and said that she was definitely going to be asleep on Christmas Eve, he knew better than to believe that. You, naturally, were the first person he told. Somehow that boiled down to him getting a Santa costume to make sure that Christmas wouldn't be ruined for the four-year-old when she saw that it was actually her parents who ate the cookies and drank the milk, let alone leaving her presents in the stockings.

"You know, red's really your color," you grinned while he maneuvered the gifts to properly fit in the small stocking your daughter had customized in pre-school.

"Is it?" He asks. "I feel like I'm more of a blue person," he successfully finishes the stocking and places it back on the fireplace. You glance up towards the stairs, being sure to keep your head facing him if your daughter was eavesdropping and the coast was still clear.

"Confidence is key, especially when you're wearing a red tracksuit," you laughed. You grabbed one of the cookies and took a bite. "Mm, you make these with her?"

"Yup, I think she went a bit overboard on the sugar though," he chuckles. "Let me try a bite." You held the cookie towards him and he tries it. "Mm, not bad."

"How'd you balance it out?"

"Added more flour," he smiles. You leaned forward and pressed a small kiss to his cheek. "You know, she takes a lot after you."

"Does she? I was going to say the opposite. She's a daddy's girl, you know! What did you do?"

"Ah, I'm just a natural," he nudges you. "You're both troublemakers, I have to clean up after you have fun," he teases you. It was true, your daughter was from a previous relationship, but just like you, she had a huge heart that opened for anyone. Within a few months it was like they had always known each other. Kun had always planned on spending the holidays with you, but it was at the request of your daughter that he made sure to keep his schedule free. "But, I have fun while I do it. I have a feeling she has a few tricks up her sleeve too, I have to make sure she doesn't see something that ruins Christmas, you know?"

"I had a feeling you caught on to something buying this costume last-minute for her and all," you had a warm smile on your face. "But, I didn't see her all night, so I think we're in the clear."

"Agreed, we should be fine," Kun nods. "This was just precaution," he adds on. You leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.

"Well then, good night, Mr. Claus!"

"Sleep well, I'll pretend I came home late," he pulls the costume off. "I'll leave through the backdoor and come around just in case."


"Dad, you won't believe it," your daughter tugged on his robe's sleeve in the morning.

"What happened?" He asks.

"You really won't believe it! As soon as I saw it I ran back upstairs and pretended to sleep!" She kicks her legs while seated on the chair then eats some of her cereal. You took a seat next to her, coffee in hand. You placed one mug by Kun and held onto the other. "Can you guess what I saw, dad?"

"What did you see, princess?"

"I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus!" You and Kun both choked on your coffees simultaneously. You and your daughter definitely had a knack for making Christmas special, that much Kun could count on.

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