I. Can you feel my love

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Author's note: So, I've decided to try my hand at this, there's not many Greta Van Fleet fics out there not set in HS, and I'm not even sure this will be any good or have a point... But I wanted a hobby that wasn't drawing or fashion so here we gooo! (Plz let me know if this is terrible lol)  Also might get 18+ in later chapters, gotta have that slow burn tho ;)

"Shit" I said to myself as I looked at the tattered paper remains scattered before me on the table. I had nervously been folding the little paper napkin ring trying to keep my mind off of waiting. Meeting clients for the first time was always stressful, let alone clients who are very talented, attractive, and oh not to mention actual rockstars. If you would have told me a year ago I'd be having a business lunch with THE Greta Van Fleet, I'd have laughed in your face and then incessantly asked you how, why, when, what even!?

Though, one could say I wasn't actually having lunch with them yet, because they hadn't bothered to be on time. While I had heard of their penchant for being late, I assumed it'd be 10 to 15 minutes late. It was pushing 25 minutes late and the poor server had already been by three times, a fourth as I wiped the balled up paper into a neat pile.

"So, ready to order miss?" They asked taking out their notebook.

"I'm not quite sure I've had enough time to decide" I tried to joke, a small nervous laugh betraying me.

"You can't go wrong with an appetizer, we also have great cocktails!" they said kindly trying to get me to move along in the process. I sighed in defeat, wondering if they'd show up at all.  Not wanting to wait any longer I decided to go ahead and order something, that way I could at least give the server a generous tip because I had taken up their section for long enough.

"I think I'll take you up on that cocktail, I'll have a margarita on the rocks with a salt rim and..." I glanced at the appetizers not sure of wanting to stay even longer to wait on food. I just wanted to disappear and wind up at home and forget this whole experience ever happened. "And an order of chips and queso." I said choosing the least complex thing on the menu.

"Great, I'll get those started for you."

"Thank you" I said meekly, checking my phone for the hundredth time, 30 minutes late and no texts, calls, or emails. At least I was outside on the patio and could enjoy the cool breeze and sunshine. Turning to the sun I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth wash over my face. Just as the warmth was starting to calm me, it disappeared and a cool shadow replaced the warm light. Annoyed I opened my eyes, knowing the server couldn't be back already, and was taken by surprise because the Josh Kiszka was standing right in front of my sun. His curls backlit, white shirt glowing it was almost a religious experience, but it only lasted for a second as he began to climb over the small railing that separated the patio from the parking lot. I valiantly tried to stifle my laugh because he truly looked ridiculous climbing over the railing, but wholly Josh. He was wearing a light blue and white sheer button down with a white tee, cuffed grey skinny jeans and some burkes, a jumble of wooden beaded necklaces completed the look.

"Hi Rosemary! I'm Josh!" He said beaming at me as he settled in next to me, extending his hand as I shook his hand he launched into is story, " So sorry for being late, the jeep got a flat tire on the way here. And while I am great at driving, the tire changing not so much. So I had to wait for Danny and Sam to make their way to me and help out, they're parking right now and Jake should be here soon. He was coming from the studio so, who knows if inspiration is holding him up."

I was taken aback by his casual demeanor. From interviews one could surmise he was a warm soul, but truly this man could make friends with a rock.

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