XII. Only Time Will Tell

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AN: Is this about to get smutty? Yes. *thunderous applause* lmao hopefully
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, some dom/sub maybe a daddy/sir/slut thrown about, mentions of oral f/m receiving,

If there's more to add let me know (once again lightly new at this) as always plz let me know if I should cease and desist lol I'm super nervous posting this 😅

Three months. Tonight marked three months since the bar kiss, three of the most glorious months of my life. Yes, there were ups and downs, especially since they started touring last month. However, the good outweighed the bad.  Danny had talked to the others and they had asked to have me on tour but, because they were starting so soon, I wouldn't be able to join them until the end of next month. Luckily, I was in one of their first 10 stops, so Jake and I were only apart for four weeks.

cause when you take your love from me//
you left me full of misery (watch your step)//
yeah, hey (watch your step)// woah//
I'm gonna miss your loving every night//

The bar jukebox screamed Bobby Parker's song as I sipped a salty dog in tribute to Josh. Jake was about five minutes late, which, if I wasn't so completely in love with a chronically late man, I'd might be worried. But, more than likely something reasonable had him tied up. So, there I was enjoying a fabulous cocktail in a remotely desert bar, scrolling through random social media sites.

"Whiskey neat." Came a gruff voice next to me, his hand coming to rest on my waist. Pulling me into his intoxicating vanilla tobacco smell. My head turned leaning into him.
"Hello cutie." I said as my gaze met his.
"Hi, my sweet honey bee." My blush deepened as he pulled me in even tighter, turning, I got off the stool to properly hug him. We inhaled each other in that moment, memorizing each other's heart beats, smells, warmth. I looked into his amber eyes as he smirked down at me.
"Miss me?" He said winking.
I had to laugh at his cheesiness, he smiled as I laughed.
"Hmm. Guess I have to prove to you I'm really here, huh, sweetheart." He said as his thumb caressed my cheek. He had a mischievous grin as he took the drink the bartender gave him and quickly downed it. Grabbing my hand and leading me towards whatever room we had booked for the night.
"Fuck, I've missed you." Jake said, pushing me against the door as it closed. He lifted me off the ground, my legs wrapped around him. I could feel the heat rising at my core, he ground his hips into me. Teasing me, his lips crashing down onto my neck. A moan escaping from my very soul, let him know he was on the right track.
"Mm...what are you baby?" He asked, knowing how I'd reacted last time.
I just moaned as I continued to grind on his hips.
"Come on love, let me hear you. What. are. you. baby?" He stopped his hips from rolling into mine. Leaving me without the sweet, sweet friction I so desperately craved. I looked into his eyes, completely lust blown.
"I'm your slut, Jacob." He licked his lips as he put his hand around my throat.
"Such a good little slut. What color?" His hand tightened slightly, causing me to hear my quickened heart beat and breath as I inhaled deeply.
"Green." I said, feeling completely in the moment and ready for whatever he was willing to give me. Knowing, that later would come the sweet, soft side of him I also craved.  But right now, I needed him to completely use me.

"Are you proud of what you've done?" Jake asked, popping a handful of peanuts into is mouth. I had joined him and the rest of the crew for drinks, since we had just wrapped.
"Oh one hundred percent. As an artist and, I'm sure you can attest, its nice to be able to conceive an idea and follow through with artistic integrity the whole time. You guys are really great at collaborating and amplifying the original idea. Truly, the best artistic experience I've had so far."
"Oh stop, I'm blushing." He teased, though it was definitely me who was blushing.
"But seriously, you were fantastic. I can't wait to see what amazing concept you come up with for our tour!." He finished.
"Well, we have to decide which song gets a video next. Who knows with these guys, it could be ages before we finally see a release for the Broken Bells video." Paige chimed in sitting next to me, her arm around Josh's neck.
"It's all about timing really," Josh started, "this video requires the right timing to be released. I hope it's soon but, we have the others to release first. I'm thinking this one waits and then BAM brings us to our second tour." He raised his glass in a cheers motion, Jake and I just lifted our hands being sans drinks because we showed up a little later than the others. It was really his fault, a night out then turned into a sleep over, which inevitably turned into morning cuddles. And then it took 3 hrs for him and I to shower, jot some music inspiration down, and be ready to be at the bar with everyone else. While he was fairly low maintenance, that man could be side tracked, so easily.
Once we finally had our drinks Jake raised his towards me.
"Ok, pool? Winner buys second round?" He asked winking, knowing full well he'd be the winner if we ever did play pool again. A game I had conveniently avoided in the last three months. 
"Jake" I moaned as I felt him thrust into me for the first time, feeling every inch of his cock. His soft lips against my neck, his hair falling around us as he thrust in me.
My hands gripped his shoulders, raking down his back as his pace slowed. He thrust all the way in and pulled out completely, making my toes curl.
"Fuckk" I moaned. After getting to feel his tongue tease my pussy, his cock down my throat, feeling him fill my pussy was amazing.
"That's not very lady like" He teased, as he slowed his thrust even more, bringing his hand to my clit. My ankles found his shoulders and the angle he was thrusting at made my whole body feel like it was on fire.
"Mm I'm your slut, remember, sir." I said hoping it'd make him pick up his pace.
He smiled his crooked smile at me, slowly licking his lips as he kept his slow pace up. Then, pulling out completely he kept his fingers working on my clit as my whole back arched off the bed.
"Mmm such a good slut, looking so sexy for me." He moaned, starting to stroke his length as he watched me squirm in pleasure. "Flip over." He commanded and I obliged, ready to feel his hands grip my waist as he thrust into me from behind.
Apparently translating my thoughts to him as I flipped over and arched my back, showing off my ass, hoping he'd get the hint and fuck me into the mattress asap.
He leaned over me, making sure his lips were right next to my ear.
"Oh, Honey, I plan on fucking you into oblivion. Don't, you, worry." He punctuated the end of the sentence with thrusting into me, as both hands gripped my hips, strong enough to definitely leave bruises.
"Fuck...Yes..Jake.." was all I could get out before his hand was on my clit again making my pussy clench around his hard cock.
"Mm going to cum on my cock baby?" He moaned, picking up the pace. His hand lightly griped my hair, just enough to feel good. As he pulled me upright, he started peppering kisses on my neck as I was completely lost in the moment.
"Make me cum on your cock, Jake" I moaned losing control, as his cock hit just the right spot over and over.
My body completely gave itself to him, feeling complete ecstasy as I reached my peak. I couldn't stay upright anymore, coming back down to the sweet support of the mattress. Jake continued to thrust into me, his speed quickened.
"Oh fuck Rose" he moaned as he then completely gave himself to me too.
"Would you rather be a fork or spoon?" I asked, willing the conversation to last longer. We had only been separated for three weeks at this point but, I was nervous he was getting bored with us/our phone calls.
"Hmm is spork an option? Because while lightly unusable, it serves a purpose." He said chuckling lightly.
"Nope. One or the other, no compromises." I held fast.
"Ok then, spoon. While fork only food is nice, I feel like you can still eat it with a spoon and some hope. But, with a fork only, the broth is lost. And that is the best part of a soup."
"Ok chef Jake, you've won me over. I used to be a fork only gal, but the broth is indeed important." I agreed. "Especially since you make such exceptional broth." He had only cooked for us a handful of times, but it was enough to know he was highly skilled. It was definitely something I missed being away from him. In the few short weeks we were together, he'd be up at two A.M. making a roux or creating a marinade.
Thinking back, I am surprised at how comfortable he got, only knowing each other for a few weeks intimately. But, knowing how close their family and friends were, it didn't seem unreasonable for Jake to show that same level of comfort. I, however, took a bit of convincing to open up and truly be present in the relationship.
"Mmm... such a good girl." Jake said gruffly into my ear as he pulled out. I winced at the loss of feeling full, but welcomed his body weight next to mine. His arms wrapped around me as my legs wrapped around him. He kissed my nose, bringing me close to his chest as he inhaled.
"My perfect Rosemary." He exhaled.
I gave him a sound of contempt as he stroked my hair, completely at ease in his arms.
"Mm so glad to have you back." I said nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
He hummed in agreement. While the night was still young, I could have stayed in his arms forever. But eventually we did have to get up and actually eat dinner.
As if on cue with my thoughts, my stomach made itself known by growling quite loudly. Jake chuckled against my forehead, peppering kisses around my hairline.
"I guess that's our cue to get up and finish the night." He smiled, his hand cupped my cheek as I nodded.
"I guess it is. I am starving, since someone left me waiting forever!" I playfully hit him with a pillow as I got up.
"When the muse strikes" he shrugged as he leaned back with his hands landing behind his head, watching me get ready.
Deciding to give him a little show, bending over to pick up my bundle of clothes, wiggling my ass just for him.
I heard a small creak but didn't register what it was until I felt his warm hand on my hip and his body pressed against me, making me gasp.
"For someone who's starving" he started, giving a small yet stinging slap to my ass, "you sure are making it hard to leave"
I ground my hips back into him as I stood up, facing him.

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