XI. Fight the Fire

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Thank you for continually reading I hope it's worth it <3 sorry for re-publishing, I wrote while drinking and got cocky lol so I had to fix some things <#3
"CUT! Moving on to the next scene, costumes, makeup! Let's go!"
My head was pounding, as I watched the boys frolic on set. We were about a mile into the woods and had to lug everything for the day to tents so that we could be on location. Not saying it was a nightmare but, it was definitely not the condition I was hoping to be in for the first day of filming. Luckily years of late night cast parties prepared Clara and I, but it was still a struggle.

Clara was mainly focusing on continuity and I was focused on making sure everyone had help getting in and out of the clothes as fast a possible. It was a lot of hurry up and wait, getting everyone in their looks, and then waiting on everything to be in place. Luckily Clara and I over-organized everything and so it was very easy to roll with the changes and scene shifts.
"Is your head pounding as bad as mine?" Clara asked, handing me a bottle of water.
"Oh yeah, thank god they've been good at calling breaks for the crew because, yikes!" She nodded in agreement.
"So" she said wiggling her eyebrows. We had of course not had a lot of chances to talk since getting there this morning.
"So" I said back not really wanting to get into it when at any moment one of the guys could happen upon our convo. Being able to pick up my vibe she looked around before talking again.
"I think they're breaking at the snack tent, we're safe for now." She said winking.
"It was a fun night, unexpected...How was talking to Josh?" I asked turning the tables on her, she rolled her eyes knowingly
"Josh was fun, lots of philosophical out there ideas. But it was really fun to explore that with him."
"That's fun, Sam also looked like he had a good time being partners with you."
"Oh Sammy boy. That one is trouble, let me tell you."
"You dont have to tell me, I saw the way he practically salivated every time you challenged him." She laughed and rolled her eyes at my observation. Clara was such a powerhouse, even in the midst of the woods she had a perfectly done red lip and a aura about her that screamed bad ass. I wish I could exude that much confidence.
"I'm glad we got this gig, they're a good group of guys." She said taking a sip from her own water bottle.
"Cheers to that" I said holding mine up for her to 'clink'. "I am praying every moment that I don't do something stupid and fuck it up." I laughed.
"Oh you guys could never fuck it up bad enough for us to fire you." Said a gruff voice behind us. We shared a wide eyed glance as we turned around. It was Jake giving us a lop sided grin.
"Phew, you know how this one likes to worry." Clara said fake wiping her brow in a relieved manner.
"Oh totally, a complete ball of nerves she is." He said in a slight English accent that made both of you laugh.
"If I didn't worry, who would. Someone's gotta be sensible." I said crossing my arms, feigning annoyance.
"That's why we're lucky to have Danny." He said, gesturing towards the far off others.
"True, he is the glue that holds it all together." Clara said pensively.
"Exactly. Well, I was just coming to give you guys some water. I know last night was a long one for everyone... But it looks like you beat me to it." He handed us the bottles anyway.
"Sam still sad he lost?" I asked a smile playing at my lips. Part of me wanted us to talk about the kiss, the other part of me was just screaming at the top of my lungs into the void.
"Well, he had a good teammate that took some of the sadness away. Speaking of, I think there's a rematch, but axe throwing this time..." he said clapping his hands together and pointing them at us, "want to join?"
Clara and I exchanged eyebrow raises.
"Sam's request." He said, clocking our expressions.
"Naturally." I said.
"Of course, why wouldn't that make sense." Clara seconded.
"Ok guys! Get ready for scene 7" The walkie-talkie blared bringing us back from our break.
"We're thinking Thursday, if you're not too scared to be in the same room as Sammy with an axe." Jake laughed and walked away.
"Fair." I said nodding at Clara.
"Do these guys ever take a break?" She asked genuinely once he was a safe distance away.
"Right! they have to be robots that recharge daily because there's no way they naturally have that much energy. Like tonight I'm going to crash immediately upon hitting my pillow."
"Same." She nodded, getting out her notebook and looking up what the specifics for scene 7 were. As I got prepared for the next set of changes.
"Ok but I will never get over how great this looks." Danny said as he lightly bent down to check himself out in the makeshift dressing booth. Makeshift because it was a couple of curtains hung between some trees and a target full body mirror (you know the ones) that was sitting on a small step stool because, while some of the band was short, Danny was a bit taller.
"I really hope it translates." I replied.
"Oh it will. And honestly, I might have to ask our manager and Paige if you could design some looks for the tour. I know the others share the love of your designs. And we all know if Josh loves a jumpsuit, he'll wear it constantly."  My heart leapt into my throat. Why did Danny have such an ability to bring me to tears every time we talked.
"Oh my gosh that would be fantastic!"
He nodded and winked at me, checking himself out once more before going out to the shoot. I was left looking into the mirror and vaguely wondering if I had entered a parallel dimension. Because, within the span of knowing this band I have, tested my creative vision, created immaculate art, felt happiness, discovered the want to just live instead of overanalyze, and kissed a literal rock god... it was a lot to take in.

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