IX. You are my midnight pt. 2

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I sat in front of my closet contemplating every piece of clothing I owned. It wasn't that deep. I bet they invited the whole crew to the bar, we weren't special... but I still had this need to impress stylistically. It was ingrained in my bones, as the 'costume designer/stylist' I needed to be well dressed. But what did that mean in this context. I was never really one to go to bars. Not because I didn't believe in them but because I (if you couldn't tell from the everything about me) am an anxious mess and so I avoided outings like the plague.
But I had decided that I couldn't keep living my life from a safe place. I need to take charge, have a small Yes Man moment where I need to just say yes to hanging out and experiences I wasn't 100% comfortable with in order to grow.
I decided on a white crochet crop top and one of those 'hippy' skirts with a handkerchief hem and a fun pattern. I added a sun necklace with some moon and stone dangle earrings, completing the look with some gold bangle bracelets and sandals.
"Well don't you look like an Earthbound ad?" Clara joked as I came out of my room.
"Listen, I just wanted to be perceived as carefree as possible and hopefully this fake it till you make it mentality will keep me calm." I said laughing a bit.
Clara was dressed in a simple burnt sienna tank top, dark green skinny jeans, combat boots, and a leather jacket. She looked effortlessly cool and I envied her for that.
"On the other hand you look absolutely amazing" I said giving her my hand and spinning her. She laughed and flipped her hair in the 'I know I do' fashion.
"We are going to kick all the ass at pool, so be prepared." She said winking
"Oh god, Clara, I have played exactly 1 real game of pool..." she looked at me with her mouth open.
"WHAT, you said you were going to beat everyone!?"
"Well, it was mostly a joke, I thought you knew I hadn't played!"
My text tone rang just as she was about to reply.
Paige photos:
Hey, we are headed over! Meet you at Lenny's pool hall!

"Ok it's showtime" Clara said with jazz hands as I rolled my eyes.

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He was posed on the edge of the pool table, engaged in a serious conversation. A pipe in his hand, as his pool cue leaned against him. A grey well fit striped blazer, complemented by a nice solid grey v neck and some faded grey skinny jeans. His hair was jostled just enough to give it some volume and allure.
"Excuse you!" A stranger turned to me offended. I had been too engrossed in taking in Jake that I had run into a random patron.
"Oh gosh, sorry!" I said but he was already walking away slightly miffed.
I turned to Clara with wide eyes. She held up two fingers in an 'I'll keep an eye on you' motion. I laughed as Josh bounded towards us. His long wooden beaded necklace bounced against his white long sleeve shirt.
"Rosemary and Clara! So good of you to make it. First round is on us! Whatcha drinking." He asked grabbing Clara's hand and leading us to the bar. While he was slightly shorter than the average patron he sure knew how to navigate a crowd, getting us to the bar in record time.
"Umm I'll have a 7 and 7" It was my go to in stressful situations.
"Ooh whiskey, you and Jake should have a talk about cocktails" he said as he winked.
"I'll have a cranberry vodka" Clara said.
"Fruity with a bite, I think you and Sam might get along" he said, as he turned to order Clara and I shared a look.
"I'll have a salty dog, cran vodka, and a 7 & 7." He said finishing with that endearing smile I had come to love. We grabbed our drinks, tipped the bartender, and Josh led us to their pool table.
"Ok but there's no way you could convince me that living without big toes is better than living without a nose." Sammy was deep in discussion with Danny who was nodding along. Jake was smirking at their dumb convo as he lined up for a shot.
"Hey guys, look sharp! Rosemary and Clara are here!" Josh exclaimed his hands in the air, one holding a salty dog.
As he said it, Jake sunk the purple striped billiard ball. And smoothy straitened up giving Clara and I a sly smile.
"I'm glad y'all were able to come! Paige should be here somewhere. She likes to mingle and then randomly show up and take pics without us knowing." Sam said chalking his cue.
"Smart! Candid shots are the best!" I said hoping my voice carried enough for him to hear in the crowded bar. I was shocked at how little people came up to them in such a crowd, it seemed they frequented here often enough the novelty wore off.
"Exactly, we are almost done with our game if you want to wait to play" Sam said lining up his shot.
"Sounds good!" I said
"It won't take too long, the twins like to think they're good but, really Sam and I have beat them every time!" Danny said giving a small hair flip and a laugh.
We laughed along with him. Hoping it was true, because Clara and I didnt have a chance in hell beating anyone. We hardly knew the game.
"So, you excited for tomorrow?" Josh said coming back over to us after conversing with some other bar goers across the way.
"Oh totally, its going to be a journey but in a good way!" I said, Clara nodded.
"That's how we felt the night before the highway tune music video shoot." Said a gruff voice coming from my right. Jake had managed to sneak into our group undetected. His arm brushed mine as I turned to answer.
"That's reassuring, I think it's going to be fine. It's just first timer nerves."
"If you weren't nervous I'd be concerned" he said nudging me with a grin.
"Hey! Jake stop flirting and come shoot!" Sam said. We both turned beat red and Sam had a self satisfied smile.
"Flirting" Jake started in a mock British accent. "Sam you wouldn't know flirting if it smacked you across the face!" I laughed at the younger sibling's smile that quickly faded into scowl and Danny's open mouth laughter. This was going to be a good night.

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