XVII. Didn't They Darling

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Ah! I'm so rusty, please forgive me 😅 got the I need to do some writing vibe. But didn't realize where I left off would be so smutty... so basically finishing that up so I can get back to story soon! Short and smutty and sweet, hope ya like it!

I could hear the deafening roar of the crowd from the dressing room, they were definitely on their last refrain of Highway Tune, and my body felt electric.
Jake had never been so forward, it was almost like I had ignited a jealous spark in him, which I can't lie...it was hot.
"Look at you..." My attention ripped from my nervous fidgeting hands to the doorway taking in Jake as he was so effortlessly posed against the door frame. Sweat dripping slowly down his chest. My eyes widened as he sauntered over to me after closing and locking the door behind him.
"A Rose by any other name..." he started to get on his knees, pulling my knees apart tsk-ing as he discovered I had already taken my underwear off.
"Definitely never tasted so sweet."
My eyes rolled back as I felt him grab my hips tightly as he started softly licking my clit.
"Fuuck Jake right there"
I looked down and as if he had seen the dream himself, he smiled wickedly at me as his tongue dove straight into my dripping wet pussy just like dream Danny.
Everything felt like it was slow motion, his hands tightened even more- my hips bucked against his face- my head fell back as continued fucking me with his tongue, he then took his thumb and started rubbing my clit.
Absolute bliss.

She was completely gone, I felt her whole body tense as I made one last swipe of her clit. I could feel her cumming as she was trying her best to keep quiet. I relished in every noise she made, hoping to have an encore while she bounced on my cock.
"Now, did you like the solo baby?" I practically growled between her thighs. Not waiting for her answer I moved to straddle her on the couch.
"Which solo, Danny's" she asked breathlessly. My brain short circuited, I loved when she was a little bratty but this... A deep laugh escaped my throat as I caressed her face, gently cupping her chin bringing our lips close but not kissing. She whined as I smirked.
"If you're going to be a a brat" she cut me off with a very intense kiss before I could finish my sentence.
"Yes, I loved your solo. Seeing you slap your guitar knowing after the show you'd be slapping my ass the same way" she paused to kiss me again. "Completely maddening."
"I was hoping you'd think that, I couldn't get you out of my head up there. Thinking of how to turn you on the most while not even being near you." I said into her ear as she arched her hips trying to get friction.
"Such a needy girl" I moaned as she unzipped my pants.
"This is your fault" she said before slowly tracing my cock.
"Fault, I'm completely blameless" I said bucking into her hand and moaning.
"You're the one practically fucking your guitar onstage."
"Mmm, someone's jealous" A small smile played on my lips as she pulled my underwear down to better grip my cock.
She looked up at me and smirked as I lined up and slipped effortlessly into her.
"You" she said breathlessly as I started thrusting into her.
She got me there.

"Ok! After show drinks on me at the pirate themed bar down the street!" Danny exclaimed as he knocked loudly on Jake's dressing room door, not daring to open it after he saw how Jake looked at Rosemary before their encore.
Sam raised his eyebrows at the action.
"You don't even want to know" Danny said punctuating his sentence with the V and licking gesture.
"Oh god, not at the VENUE! Jake at least wait to get your booty at the pirate bar!" Sam yelled loud enough to be heard on the other side of the door.

I couldn't hold back my laugh as Jake had me bent over the mirror by the door. We locked eyes and he smiled as he put his hand up to his lips in a "shhh" motion and doubled down on thrusting.
There was no way out, Jake was determined to finish what I inadvertently started.


"What the feck are you guys still doing here!?" Josh said, as he had finally come out of his dressing room at the loud laughing in the hallway.

"We were waiting on Jake, but it seems like he might be taking his time smelling the roses." Danny winked. Josh's jaw dropped, it was shocking but not surprising. Jake was on a wholly different playing field tonight, Josh hadn't seen him like that in years. It was practically indecent the way he played his guitar. Of course the fans ate it up, but if that was anything to go by the guys needed to leave and fast.

"Alright perverts," Josh said to Sam and Danny. "I heard tell there was a pirate bar so what're we still doing here!?" He clapped his hands together and pointed to the sky "ONWARD!" He yelled as he led the charge away from whatever hopefully completely innocent normal dressing room things were happening on the other side.

We collapsed back onto the couch, sharing one last kiss.
"I've never done this before." Jake breathed out, completely spent.
"Oh, you don't regularly have dressing room sex while your brothers joke on the other side of the door? Or..." I said smiling.
"Yeah mostly the brothers part." He laughed as he kissed my forehead.
"Well OSHA does frown on unnecessary back workouts on the job, but I guess they've never watched you play before." I said trying to come up with a coherent joke after one of the top three best sex experiences of my life.
"True..." Jake said tracing patterns on my hand as we took a beat to catch our breaths.
"Though, we probably shouldn't make this a habit as..."
"Exactly" I seconded, having kinky hotel room sex was one thing. This was kinky on the job sex and that was a lot to deal with if it ever went south. We got lucky this time and we both knew that.
"To get more booty?" I said forming a hook with my hand.
"To the ends of the earth!" Jake said as he took my face in his hands and kissed me.
We collected our respective pieces of clothing, though I had just taken off my panties and him his jacket so really not much damage. Thinking of what shit the guys were about to give us made my whole body turn red. But, it was totally worth it. And I hadn't once during it (other than to tease Jake) thought of that silly dream I had. Safe to say, Jake did indeed make me forget.


"Oh look! They are alive!?" Danny said as he raised his glass knowingly in a toast to us.
"Listen, restitching a zipper is no joke!" I tried to explain, my beet red face giving me away.
"My pants had a malfunction and I needed some help" Jake added trying to help.
The whole group just laughed and Sam wolf whistled.
"Arrrghhh who's ready for the best sea shanty karaoke you've ever heard!" A voice from the stage said thankfully interrupting.
Everyone cheered as the groups attention was taken by the MC (who basically was in full pirate regalia, black beard, bicorn pirate hat and all). While the group was distracted I had some time to take in the bar. A lot of rope fishing nets, buoys, and barrels. Some wooden fish hung from the ceiling and there were several wooden seals randomly placed throughout the bar. The stage was cute, ripped sails created a small curtain effect and a mural of a ship on the ocean completed the aesthetic.
"That wasn't so bad was it? Jake said laughing into his beer.
"I'm mortified... but I'll survive." I said sipping my mai tai and loosening up a little.
"They'll forget about it in the morning, trust me. Though, I'll remember it forever." He said winking.
"You're ridiculous." I laughed. "But you're my ridiculous" I said, pulling him in for a kiss. Normally we shy away from PDA but, at this point I had no shame to give. Who can blame me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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