VIII. You are my Midnight pt. 1

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We made it through the rest of day one, since fittings went well there wasn't much to do, we had screen tests in the morning, a bit of a schedule change so we were shooting only in studio tomorrow because they needed a little more time to get the permits right and figure out some logistics. So, we were in a good spot for the end of the day.

"We have the schedule, I will print a couple copies so we can have them to make sure everything is where it needs to be at the proper times. Good thing it isn't too accessory heavy because boy would that be a lot more complex." I said, closing the laptop that was slightly overheating on my thighs. I was curled up against the arm of the couch, making the final touches on our paperwork as we neared the end of our day.
"Very true, can we do music videos more often?" Clara joked as she turned off the steamer for the day.
"Apparently we haven't truly interacted with the being known as 'diva van fleet' so we could be in for it." I cautioned, thinking back on Josh's words, hoping it was in jest and not a forewarning.
"Ok, but as a totally objective outside third party viewer... I can see how everything would work in the favor of them being complete diva's. However, if today was anything to go by they are the most down to earth chill people I've ever known in this industry. And I've been here for a while."
Clara had a point, if they were going to be awful to work with it would have shown up by now. While actually performing/shooting can have an effect, these guys seemed totally proficient in being chill and professional. So while there was a sense of nervousness, it was mainly attributed to the fact that I would be venturing into a new project/environment. As opposed to being nervous of the performers being awful.
"Alright, well I'm grabbing these from the printer down the hall. But I think we are good to pack up."
"Sounds good to me Rosie. How long do you think the boys will be?" Clara asked gathering her things.
"Unsure, he said they'd text me and I can't imagine it being too far from here, so I think we could go to my house and be safe time wise"
"Sounds like a plan" she said mock saluting me.
I laughed as I left our safe haven for the day for the first time. I took a deep breath of the "fresher" air as I closed the door. Still not really believing this was really happening.

"It takes a minute to sink in"
My eyes snapped open, it was Paige.
"Does it ever feel real?"
"Listen, I photographed Jack White last week. So no, it really doesn't" she said smirking.
"That's a little comforting" I said smiling back at her.
"You're coming to pool tonight right?" She asked pulling out her phone.
"Josh did mention it, he said he'd text me when it was a go"
Her eye roll could be seen from space, I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Let me get your number, I can text you when we'll actually be there. Josh always pretends he has his phone and uses it but he never does" she said shaking her head and smiling.
"Fair" I said smiling and gave her my number and we went our separate ways. Her promising that going home and getting ready would definitely be in the plausible time frame.
I grabbed the schedules from the printer and journeyed my way back to the costume room.

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