IV. As your new life has begun

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AN: A short update is still an update right? Lol I'm excited to explore this more but I haven't had time so in true me fashion I'm posting before really thinking about it !yay! Enjoy :)

"Oh this is bitchin" Danny said turning side to side in the mirror. He was in his 'colorful look' that consisted of a sheer lavender vest, beaded with pearls, rhinestones, and silver beads in a stained glass pattern that was concentrated at the bottom and broke apart as it moved up towards the shoulders.
His pants were a floral burnout velvet in darker purple, the look completed with loafers that were stoned to match his vest, and a forehead band that had a strand of rhinestones coming down the left side.
'If you ever want a cool fact", I said motioning for him to bend down so I could put the band on his head, "this is called a ferronnière"
"Ooh I'll have to remember that. I love 60s/70s fashion, but I have no idea what things are called" He said shrugging.
"We'll we're having a quiz tomorrow on it all so, study up" I laughed taking a look in the mirror to make sure everything looked just right.

'Pop quiz! Tell me the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow" Clara joked on her way over to the rack, taking his first look to steam.
"African or European" I replied.
"About 24 miles an hour" Danny said pointer finger raised.
"Exactly!" I smiled, "Gah, that movie is *chefs kiss*" I said doing the motion.
"Truly" he said nodding.
"Ok, so lets see if you are comfy when you sit." I grabbed a chair from the kitchenette area.
"Oh yes! That is important, can I air drum too? Just to make sure I can do the thing" he asked hitching his pants up a little as he sat down. The velvet had a slight stretch so his leg movements wouldn't be too hindered by their fit.
"Sure, but only if you do the Phil Collins solo." I said stepping back so he had room to drum.
"Challenge accepted" he smiled and started air drumming as he vocalized the solo.
    "I can feel it coming in the night!" We all sang in unison when he hit the last note of the solo. Clara into the steamer head as Danny and I used our hands as mics.
    "OH LORD" A raspy voice joined in and we all turned to the door.
"Don't stop having fun on account of me" Jake said laughing with his hands up as he walked in further. He was wearing a blue button up, that was barely buttoned, some well fitting yet worn jeans, sunglasses, and his signature Chelsea boots. He had a bag slung over his shoulder he deposited on one of the chairs in the kitchenette.
"Oh! You're early!" I said, having not even looked at the time since Danny arrived.
"Actually," he paused pushing his sunglasses up so they held back his hair. "I'm ten minutes late, but if you think I'm early I'll stay in your good graces." He said with a wink and slight bow. Which caught me off guard. When Sam winked it was more of a funny gesture but, when Jake winked it was like a lightning bolt had been sent straight down my spine. The hair on my arms raised, how could such a simple action cause such a reaction?
"I mean, time is relative is it not?" I asked earning a small chuckle from Jake, and a groan from Clara.
"Time is relative, says the person who literally has to be obscenely early to everything?" She said a smile playing at her lips.
"Listen, as a former theatre kid, 15 minutes early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable." I quoted, heading to the rack to at least move along the fittings.
"Wow, I didn't know Josh was in the room" Jake said as he approached Danny. "Looking good!" He said hands clapping on Danny's shoulders. "Though for my outfit, do you have anything less offensive than purple?" I looked at him, concern filling my face as he broke into a smile. "Just kidding"
This man was going to be the death of me.
"If this is how you feel about purple, I hate to tell you she has some acid yellow for you man" Danny said getting up and offering the seat to Jake.
"Oh yea, an acid yellow top and some neon pink bell bottoms are in your future." I said giving him a wink and finger guns. To which he cocked an eyebrow and I could feel the blush screaming across my cheeks. Immediately feeling embarrassed I turned back to the clothes.
"Ok so Danny if you feel like you can move ok in everything then I think we are good. Clara will be close if you need any help and you can leave your clothes on the counter in the dressing room. Jake..." I said turning with his first look in my arms, "you can go ahead and get changed into this and we will get started."

"Sounds good" Danny said turning on his heel and heading to his dressing room. As Jake came to get his clothes I caught a whiff of his cologne, a nice woodsy manly smell peppered with some vanilla. If it came as a candle, I'd buy every last one.
"Here you go," I said softly as he smiled and headed off to change.

Once both boys were in their dressing rooms I let out a large sigh turning towards Clara and mouthing
"he is going to be the death of me"
"Big time" she mouthed back "talk later!"
I nodded then turned back to the clothes and mirror. I had a few moments to collect myself. I looked into the mirror making sure my mascara hadn't made its way under my eyes. My auburn shoulder length hair was a little crazy from moving around hemming and posing for Paige. I smoothed it out as I closed my eyes taking another deep breath. Opening them and looking into the mirror my blue eyes staring back at me. Who was I kidding anyway? I was being slightly delusional in thinking any of his playful banter meant anything. It was just who he was, and boy was it going to be a long 30 minutes.

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