XV. And It's Our Demise

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**smut ahead yall**

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, the bride and groom wanted their first dance to be a group affair! Without y'all they wouldn't have made it to the alter so, share in their special moment and !!!! dance! dance! dance!" The DJ crooned into the mic as Danny extended his hand to me, I smelt a familiar whiskey and clove scent wafting from behind me as Jake tapped on my shoulder.
Time stood still for a brief moment as the beginning notes from God Only Knows flitted through the air. Danny's hand faltered a bit at Jake's presence, but it was still outstretched.

"Danny!! You and me need to crush this dance!" Carson from Mac Saturn effortlessly slid in, breaking my revere. Danny and I quickly turned away from each other to face the opposite parties wanting our attention.
"I love this song!" I said as I turned to face Jake. If he had any thoughts on Danny asking me to dance, they were hidden deep down because his face broke into a smile.
"Same, Pet Sounds was such a pivotal time in music." He said as his arms wrapped around me.
"Exactly! The use of foley sounds is iconic."
Jake chuckled and pulled me in for a passionate kiss as we started swaying to the song.
"God only knows what I'd be without you.." He crooned in my ear.
"God only knows what I'd be without you..." I sang back to him as he held me tighter. I moved my head to look at him directly as the song delved into it's crescendo/repetitive ending. Truly looking into each others eyes I felt my soul burn with such a loving passion. The song ended and everyone clapped and looked for Marcus and Briley, who were in the middle of the dance floor. Marcus made a show of dipping Briley for a movie scene kiss, the claps and cheers got louder.
I should never be allowed at weddings... I thought to myself. I got overly sentimental and so love focused that I even made Danny out to be romantically attracted to me. I laughed a little and judging by Jake's expression it was out loud.
"What's so funny doll?"
"Just weddings are weird." I said as we made our way to refresh our drinks.
"I love them..." of course he does, mr. romance and ritual...Jake started his sentence but, my face must have given my inner dialogue away because he finished with "I know, doesn't seem on brand for the reclusive, lightly shy, lead guitarist does it?"

"I mean, you're a sucker for love so I think I get it. I was just surprised because the whole center of attention schtick is Josh's thing." He smiled.
"True, but I have seven minute guitar solos for a reason." He winked, smirked, and pulled me in by my waist tighter to his side.
"And here I was thinking it was to show me how talented you are with your fingers." I wriggled my eyebrows at him and turned to order as we were next in line.

"I'm king of the world!!" Josh yelled at the top of his lungs, he had somehow managed to get Briley's pink coat and was attempting to ride the mechanical bull. I say attempting because it took him MANY tries to get on said bull, the train cascading down the back of the bull.

Jake and Danny were laughing together at Josh's antics and after joining in on laughing I had to take a moment to refresh my drink and reflect sans company.

Jake being back had been amazing, he was so loving and caring, so why did I think Danny was hitting on me? And why was I intrigued by the idea?
I was racking my brain trying to come up with an answer because, over analyzing and
psychoanalyzing myself were beloved pastimes of mine. When Danny himself sauntered up to the bar, I was lightly caught off guard but, luckily was able to turn and grab my drink as he initiated a conversation.
"So, how's having Jake back?" He asked before ordering. I waited until he turned back to me, sweat gleaming off his chest; he lost the suit jacket sometime between the ceremony and dancing so, he was just in a sheer cream blouse that had a very very deep V showcasing his chest hair against the soft fabric. He was still in the suit pants, sash belt, and the pearl choker.
"It's been great! Lightly weird because we haven't really had time to catch up...just the brief moments between the busy schedules. And since I had to be wardrobe for the wedding, we really haven't seen each other much. I think tonight will be the first night we've had alone. Whenever tonight ends up ending." I laughed, a little afraid this party would never end.
"Fair! It's been wild lately, so many appointments and people. It's easy to feel lost."

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